Analyses Of Four Different Texts

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uppladdat: 2008-03-04
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Analyses of four different texts
By Siri Molin, ESMT2


This text is taken from the novel of Robinson Cruse, written by Daniel Defoe (1660-1731). He wrote this book 1719, during the Restoration period.

Daniel Defoe grow up in a very religious home and his parents wanted him to be an priest. In the novel of Robinson Crusoe you can read about how Robinson defied his parents. Daniel Defoe also went an other way and did not do what his parents wanted him to do, he became an author instead of an priest.

The Restoration period was a time of great intellectual advancement. In this era thought was more important than emotion. People where told to think for them self and to learn by own thoughts and experiences. I can see a connection between this novel and The Restoration period. For 28 years did Robinson Crusoe live on an island all alone. He was living on what nature gave him. With his ability to invent, his imagination, earlier knowledge’s and reasonable sense he succeeds to survive.

The Restoration period was also an era where people was to questioning they rules of the society. The famous philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau once said during this time back to nature. This means to restore to man the forces of this natural process. Robinson Crusoe followed these ideas and lived near the nature.

I believe that the tale of Robinson Crusoe was a reflection of the British colonisation and the way they looked upon people in the colonies. In the text it is written: I smiled at him and looked pleasantly, and beckoned to him to came still nearer; at last he came close to me, and then he kneeled down again and laid his head upon the ground and placed my foot upon his head. In this tale it is Crusoe the white man who learn Fredag the Christian religion and how to behave.


This text is taken from the story of Oliver Twist, written by Charles Dickens (1812-1870). He wrote this story 1838, during the Victorian age.

Charles Dickens is considered one of the greatest authors during the Victorian age. It was during this era writers started to write more realistic litterateur then before. Many writers turned their backs on “dreamy fields” and started to write more about the reality. They wrote about injustices and about the cruel sides of society without trying to beautify it. During this era did more people also start to read. Authors did not now only direct their texts to the church and the state, now they wrote for the people. With critical observations they wrote novels and draw sketches that the people could understand and relate to. These texts and sketches helped people to gain more strength so that they could bare the hard and unjustified world they lived in. Oliver Twist I think shows a virtual picture of how people really lived during this time. They where poor and many had to actually steal to survive.

Dickens himself started to work hard when he was only 12 years old which made him se the poor world they lived in. I believe that the story of Oliver Twist was some kind of protest against the poverty in England during this time. Poor people had no rights and was insulted by the general people.


This text is taken from the great tragedy Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare (1564-1616). He wrote this play 1595, during The Renaissance.
William Shakespeare was one of the greatest poets and authors in England. He is often called England''''s national poet. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright. At this time in England the theatre had a big importance. His tragedies and comedies also were set up at the court.
The Renaissance was so called because it was a "rebirth" of certain classical ideas that had long been lost to Europe. It was also a time new discoveries was made and “old” ideas was criticised. The church began to lose its central position. (Science and art were very much intermingled in the early Renaissance, with artists such as Leonardo da Vinci making observational drawings of anatomy and nature). When the society developed it also affected the art and theatre to be more creative and free. The Elizabethan theatre was free from rules, everything could be used. In London the population was growing and their fondness for spectacle produced a dramatic literature of remarkable variety.
One of the most well-known plays from this time is Romeo and Juliet. It is an early tragedy by William Shakespeare about two teenage who is falling in love, but theirs families are enemies and can’t accept theirs love. It ends up with that both of them dies.
During the Renaissance the individual become more important and personal feelings were expressed in literature. Romeo and Juliet take up questions that human being always have thought of, such as love, sorrow, revenge. In this text is written. Deny thy father and refuse thy name. Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I’ll no longer be a Capulet. The fights between different people and the ones, who not will accept this, have always been actual and are still to day. Therefore this play of Shakespeare are timeless and always actually. Since its publication, Romeo and Juliet has been adapted numerous times in stage, film, musical and operatic forms.
The beauty and form become very important during the renaissance, and it is also shown in the beautiful language in this play.


This poem is called: I wandered lonely as a cloud and is written by William Wordsworth (1770-1850). He wrote this poem 1804, during the Romantic age.
William Wordsworth grew up at the country in the northwest of England, in close contact with nature. In his poetry he often uses the symbols of nature to describe man’s innermost feelings. This poem start with the phrase: I wandered lonely as a cloud that floats on high o’er vales and hills. You see the beautiful landscape and nature in front of you and in same time it makes you feel both free and a bit lonely.
Wordsworth meant that poetry should come straight from the heart. Another occurrence that had a great affect on him was the French Revolution. He lived in France a period after the revolution and become deeply touched by the revolutionary spirit.
This period in literature is called the Romantic age. It was a time when the authors thought that feelings were more important than the intellect. The period right before was the Age of reason, and I think it also was a reaction against that. Often you can see that after a period with strong ideas in one direction, the ideas then turn over at the opposite side. It was also a period with great political chances. The message in the American and French revolution was freedom and equality and that inspired young writers around the world. It opened up for strong emotions and dreams there you felt that everything was possible to change.
I think that I Wandered lonely as a cloud has a feeling of j...

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