Bokrecension: Animal Farm av George Orwell

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uppladdat: 2008-05-05
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Chapter 1

Major is a old pig who informs all the other animals on the farm about how man really is. The animals soon realize that they are as slaves for the humans.

My own thoughts

Because of old Majors speak I think a revolution about freedom will occur against the humans.

Chapter 2

In this chapter old Major dies. Three other pigs start to take over old Majors work. Their names are Snowball, Napoleon and squealer.
On a Saturday night Mr. Jones got drunk and did not come back until the next Sunday evening. The animals got so hungry that they broke loose and started attacking Mr. Jones who tried to defend the food. In a matter of seconds the animals became the masters of the farm.
In the end of this chapter the animals notice that five buckets of milk had suddenly disappeared. Strange!

My own thoughts

I was surprised that the rebellion was to happen so fast. In frustration they finally succeeded to claim the Manor farm as their own. I am suspicious about the buckets of milk though. Maybe there are still humans on the farm.

Chapter 3

Now that Mr. Jones is gone the animals has to do all the work on the farm by them selves, such as the harvest for example.
The pigs try to organize the work on the farm in many different ways. Snowball creates something called Animal Committees. It means the every animal must take their own responsibility for making food etc. There are different groups in the Animal Committees. The Egg production committee, the clean tails league, the wild comrades’ Re-education committee, the whiter wool Movement and a various others.
The milk problem got solved. It was used to get mixed in the pigs food along with apples too. The pigs tell the other animals that they need this because it is them who do all the thinking on the farm. And if they don’t organize the animals to work then Mr. Jones will come back.

My own thoughts

It’s good that the pigs are trying to organize the other animals to work more and right. But this situation with the milk almost got a little bit over edge, I think. It’s almost as the pigs use Mr. Jones as a threat so that they can have the milk.
Maybe this will happen again and more often. And that could become a problem for the comrade shipment.

Chapter 4

This is an interesting chapter. We found out that Mr. Jones were sitting at the pub, complaining about the rebellion of the Manor Farm (that is now called Animal Farm). No one was willing to help him at first but then the animals started spreading their information about the rebellion to other animals, telling them to do the same. This was too much for Mr. Jones and the other farmers. They all chose to help Mr. Jones retake his farm. This attack against Animal Farm resulted in that one of the farmers and one of the sheep died. When the other farmers saw their friend drop dead to the ground they fled in panic. The farmers failed to re-capture the Manor farm.

My own thoughts

I think this is the beginning to a war between the Animals and the humans. The animals became more exited than ever before when they had won the battle and killed the human. I think that Snowballs temper is turning into a more aggressive behavior that later will result in a bloody war.
I noticed too that the summer almost had passed and that the winter is on it’s way.

Chapter 5

This is a long chapter. It is winter now as well.
Mollie was acting more strangely than ever. And one day she disappeared. Later some of the animals spotted her at the neighbor farm, eating sugar from the farmers hand. The animals never talked about Mollie again. As for the arguing between Napoleon and Snowball it just got worse. A subject about if a windmill should be built or not, the animals needed to vote for what they think should be the best. Napoleon didn’t want it to get built but Snowball thought that it would be a good idea. Suddenly some dogs came rushing in and started chasing Snowball away from the farm. Snowball escaped and did not come back. Napoleon was now the master of the farm with his dogs as bodyguards to anyone that would approach him. Then he suddenly claimed that the windmill should be built anyway.

My own thoughts

Hmm. I think this Mollie situation will later on in some way come back. Maybe she is telling the other farmer of all the ideas and projects the animals at the Animal farm is working on. We will see.
As for this other incident with the dogs and Snowball is harder to think of. I mean, maybe it was good that Napoleon got rid of him because of his violent behavior but still they can need someone to tell the animals what to do if a ambush from the humans will happen. So there are different was of seeing it. I don’t think it’s really good that Napoleon and Squealer use the dogs to threat the other animals so that they have to do what the pigs want.
This can get much worse than it already is, and I think it will…

Chapter 6

The pigs are getting more civilized and are starting to act like humans more and more. They start sleeping in beds and they decide that pigs must sleep one more hour than the other animals because of the hard brain work. And they tell the animals to work like slaves. Anyway, the animals work really hard for getting the windmill done. It’s already autumn and the mill is only half done. One night in November a big storm is unleashed upon the Animal Farm. And when the morning comes they all find the windmill smashed and destroyed. Napoleon tells the other animals that Snowball is responsible for the broken mill and pronounces the death sentence upon Snowball. Anyone that kills Snowball will get a higher rank on the farm.

My own thoughts

The animals didn’t like it when Mr. Jones was using them as slaves, but I think this is almost the same thing. Napoleon and Squealer push them to work exactly as slaves and let themselves use beds exactly like humans!
As for the windmill I am suspicious. Maybe the storm did bring it down. But it might as well have been Napoleon who broke it so that he could tell the animals to kill Snowball and therefore get more and more power on the farm. I believe in the last theory.
This book is becoming worse than ever. I still don’t think this terror will end here.

Chapter 7

Napoleon and Squealer is becoming more aggressive all the time. In this chapter they are blaming Snowball for everything that can be possibly wrong. They are making up stories about Snowball sneaking up in the night and stealing things on the farm. After a while even Boxer is starting to think that Napoleon is wrong about Snowball.
Napoleon calls to a meeting. He then choose to slaughter more animals! He executes all the animals that said something or asked something about anything.

My own thoughts

This book is really starting to freak me out! I hate it… I think I am starting to hate it because of all the strong scenes. It makes me realize even more what violence and terror there is in the world. I have never reacted so strong about just a book. I can’t find the words for in what way this is affecting me. I just want to get it over with.

Chapter 8

“There where times when it seemed to the animals that they worked longer hours and fed no better than they had done in Jones’s days”
This explains how the animals feel in the beginning of the chapter.
Napoleon was negotiating with farmer Fredric about a pile of timber. They do this so that he will buy the machinery for the windmill. But Fredric pays them with false money. Then he shortly after attempts to attack Animal Farm with some other men armed with guns. The animals are taking cover and watch them as they blow up the Windmill with explosives. This makes the animals out-rages. They charge forth to defend their farm. Many animals die but they are succeeding to drive the humans away. Almost every single animal get hurt but they had won the battle.
A few days later Napoleon gets deadly sick. The animals cry and are waiting for the loss to come. But it never happens. Napoleon gets better and soon he’s as good as he always have been.

My own thoughts

At the beginning the animals are dishappy and don’t want to work. Napoleon however fixes this by saying he’s deadly sick and then magically gets better. Something stinks, and I don’t think it’s the cow dung.
As for this incident with the attempt from the humans to retake the farm I think will result in a final bloody war.

Chapter 9

As usual the animals work hard as slaves. And boxer work even harder than ever. But one night a accident occurs. Boxer gets stuck behind a lash of stone. Napoleon calls for a ambulance. Four days later comes a van to pick Boxer up. But then the animals notice the text at the side of the van “Horse slaughter”. Boxer does everything he can to escape but he fails. They never see Boxer again.
Later Squealer tells the animals that they can’t actually believe that Napoleon would send Boxer to slaughter.

My own thoughts

Too bad Boxer died. Too bad that Napoleon chose to sent him away to slaughter. How come I’m not surprised? Napoleon and his mate Squealer are false, disgusting little creatures.
I really don’t believe in a happy ending.

Chapter 10

Everything is as usual in this chapter. The animals work hard. They have forgotten about Snowball and Boxer. They actually start to think about the old times with Major and how easy life was then compared to how it is now. One day the animals spot Squealer while he’s walking on two legs. This is a chocking sight for all the animals and before they know it, all the pigs are marching around the farm yard on their hind legs. The animals walk back to read the seven commandments. They are pretty sure that it said that no animals shall walk on two legs. When they get there they see that everything is changed. The commandments are not there, instead they see the new text written “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”. Then they hear something. They sneak up to the farmhouse to see what it is. And they see Squealer and Napoleon sitting around the big table with the other neighbor farmers, drinking and playing cards. Napoleon stands up for speech. He sa...

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