Uppsats om adoption

4528 visningar
uppladdat: 2005-12-22
Inactive member

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To be honest, I had felt that feeling all morning, all day, all evening. That little feeling which upsets your stomach until you almost can´t stand it anymore, it´s driving you slightly insane. Know what I´m talking about? Nervousness. Creeping all trought your body so slowly..
Now I sat in that car, in that seat eating all that candy. It grew in my mouth and I couldn´t stand that sweet taste anymore, I threw the rest away and tried fo fix my eyes on something. The lights outside the window went by, faster and faster, and the darkness became thicker. I couldn´t be anything else but grateful that I had that warm car as a shelter, you could almost see the cold winds play outside the window.
But how come I was sitting in that car in the middle of the night, a regular wednesday? Shouldn´t I be sleeping in bed by now? Snoring like all the other kids? But of course, I couldn´t. My baby cousin was coming, she was actually coming!

Normally, we would have went to the hospital, sitting in those white rooms tearing the white silence apart with our ancious breaths. But this wasn´t like that at all. We wasn´t going to the hospital, our driver slowly took us to Arlanda Airport. "What now?" you might think. "A baby at the airport?" Yes, and my cousin was coming directly from Moscow.
We arrived pretty late, the four of us. My mum, dad and my little sister, And we waited a little while at the rather cold arriving hall. Suddenly, we saw them walking towards us. Tired - but joyful - eyes met ours, and they hughed us gratefully. But Eva and Gustav wasn´t the main attratcion this late evening - she was.

Tatiana was her name, that tiny little girl who looked at me in a rather terrified way. "She is tired, it´s been a long day" Eva explaned when little Tatiana started to cry. They described the long way from Russia to Sweden, described Moscow and told us about their rather stressful week. And they seemed very happy to be home at last - home with Anna, Tatianas Swedish name.

I couldn´t beleive that a human being could be so small, so tiny! She looked like she was made of glass, and her skin almost looked transparent. Her eyes went from side to side, as she was trying to realize what was happening. Hard job for a six months old little girl. She looked so cute, and I could almost not beleive that she was now my cousin
The trip home is a bit blurry to me, the things I remember the most was Annas cries. She was terribly afraid of the lights outside, and she just couldn´t stop screaming. But I felt a bit happy anyway, as I was sitting there in our bo...

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Inactive member [2005-12-22]   Uppsats om adoption
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=5465 [2024-05-03]

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