Kvinnors val? : en uppsats om barnomsorgen i Nederländerna

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uppladdat: 2001-01-01
Inactive member

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This thesis describes the development of childcare facilities in The Netherlands. The Netherlands have a comparatively special position in regards to the participation of women on the labourmarket and has also a poorly developed childcare, which is traditionally not initiated or supported by the Dutch government. The Netherlands has through different factors always had a high number of housewives and has actively supported the so-called breadwinner system, which supports the role of the husband as the sole breadwinner of the family. The thesis shows that various historical developments and the development of the welfare state in particular have influenced the developments of the childcare facilities in The Netherlands. The Dutch government has only since the 1980's paid an increased attention to the participation of women on the labourmarket. The non-availability of quantitative and qualitative childcare is now considered to be a social and economical problem. The thesis also describes the public and political opinion regarding the participation of mothers on the labourmarket and the issues around the combination of labour and childcare. According to the thesis is the public and political opinion important to the new developments. A new proposal of specific legislation around ch...

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Inactive member [2001-01-01]   Kvinnors val? : en uppsats om barnomsorgen i Nederländerna
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=19061 [2024-06-16]

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