A story in a school

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uppladdat: 2005-02-03
Inactive member

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Eric was very bad in school. He’s going in the 8;Th grade.
Eric thinks that the school is not necessary. Just boring. He doesn’t know what the marks are and how important it is. He just thinks that he can make he’s future without good marks.

By the way, the school he’s going in is called Fort Lauderdale school. He hates that school.
Eric doesn’t have so many friends. He is alone all the time. When the 8;Th grade is done, Eric’s parents decide to move Eric from Fort Lauderdale communal school, to Fort Lauderdale boarding school. He’s mother said that he must make he’s marks so he can search to a
Good upper secondary school.

Eric: Mom, I don’t want to do that.
Erick’s mom: You must. It is the only way for you.
Eric’s mom: Here is some money. Go down to the city and get your haircut. The train leaves tomorrow.
Eric: Ok then. I do I fore myself.

Next day Eric arrived to the new school. One person, who name is David, welcomed Eric and shows him to he’s room. In he’s room he meets a new friend whose name is Antony.

Antony: Hello there. I hope that you will survive this school.
Eric: What do you mean?
Antony: This is not like a normal public school. Never mind, do you smoke?
Eric: Yes.
Antony: Lets go and take a smoke.
Eric. Can we do that?
Antony: Of course not.

Eric and Antony went down to the woods where de students use to smoke.

Erick: Mmm… It´s taste very good.
Antony: Yes, but you need to putt some needle in your mouth.
Eric: Fore what?
Antony: Its putt the smell of smoke away
Eric: I see. You are a smart guy.

Eric Putts some needle in he’s mouth.

When they went back to the school they meets David.

Antony: Well hello there.
David: Hi, its time fore some dinner.
Eric: That sounds great. I’m hungry.

There were many pupils in the dinner room. When they has start to eat. Eric, Antony and some other pupils start to talk about what they parents work whit.

My father works as a lawyer. What do your father doing Eric?
Eric: That’s not your business idiot.
David: What did I hear?
Eric: It was nothing.
David: Come over here.

Eric walked to David. David took up a knife and smack Eric in he’s head. After he’s punched Eric, a nurse took care of him.

The nurse: Swerving is not allowed in this school.
Eric: Why not?
Nurse: They want maximum discipline in this school. You must remember that, if you not, they will punch you again.
Eric: Ok. Thank you fore taking care of me.
Nurse: Its nothing to talk about, you are so sweet.
Eric: What?
Nurse: Never mind. You should go to bed now.
Eric: Ok. Thanks by the way.

When Eric went to he’s room, he meets Antony.

Antony: That was what I warned you fore. If you do any mistakes, they catch you.
Eric: but the thing he’s doing is not right.
Antony: I know, but they have no rules like that here.
Eric: That’s sick
Antony: I know.

Next day, Eric was going to he’s first lesson at this school.
It was biology. The teacher there was very good and nice. Eric learns a lot from him.

After the lesson was it time for dinner. They went to the dinner room and started to eat.
Eric did the same mistake as the dinner before. But this time, David Punched him in he’s face until he start to bleed.

Eric is a strong person and did not start to cry. He knew how to take punches.

The nurse takes care of him after he has taking all that punching.

The nurse: That’s is what I try to told you. You can’t swear in this school.
Eric: I’m sorry, it wont happened again.
The nurse: I don’t care if you swear, but I care because I like you.
Eric: You do what?
The nurse: It was nothing.

About ten a clock, Erick went to he’s room there he meets Antony. He was sleeping.
Eric doesn’t want to wake him up so he was very quiet when he was going to bed.

Next day after all lessons did Antony ask Eric what he wants o do after the school.

Eric: I think I want to be a layer.
Antony: That’s good. You can earn very much money in that work
Eric: Yes, I believe so.

Next day did Eric wake up with something big in he’s bed?

Eric: What is this?
Antony: If you want to be a layer you going to need that book. It is the English laws.
Eric: Thank you very much. You are a real friend.
Antony: That was nothing. I’m glad that I have a friend.
Eric: Am I your only friend?
Antony: Yes.
Eric: That’s been relying sad to hear. But I’m always going to be your friend.

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  • Inactive member 2005-06-04

    bra skrivet och det var kul at

  • Inactive member 2009-11-09

    det mesta e taget från ondskan


Inactive member [2005-02-03]   A story in a school
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=3337 [2024-04-28]

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