Charlie and the chocolate factory

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3750 visningar
uppladdat: 2005-02-10
Inactive member

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I’ve red Charlie and the chocolate factory. It’s a book written by Roald Dahl.
This is a story about a little boy called Charlie. Charlie lives with his Mom, Dad and his grandparents. The best that Charlie knows is chocolate but his family is very poor, it’s only the dad who works. He has a very simple and boring job and his salary is very low. Every year, Charlie gets a bar of chocolate on his birthday and he takes a little bit of one corner of the bar every day and that makes the bar of chocolate last for over two months. In the town where they live, there is a big chocolate factory, Willy Wonka’s chocolate Factory. Willy Wonka is the most famous chocolate maker in the world. One day in the newspaper it’s an advertising about five marvellous golden tickets to a fantastic visit in the factory. The finder of the tickets will be showed the factory and will be given enough chocolate that it last forever. The tickets are hidden all over the world. All the tickets that are found are found by very rich and spoiled kids, whose parents have bought all the chocolate bars in the town that they live in. After a while when four of the five golden tickets are found, Charlie is lucky enough to find money on the street on his way home from school. He goes to a shop to buy food but he bought a chocolate bar instead. And guess what’s in it? Yes, a golden ticket!!

When Charlie comes home and shows the other his Golden Ticket, his grandfather just throws away his plate with soup and jumps out of the bed and wants to go with Charlie on his trip. I will not tell you the entire story but now you have to read it your self, huh?

I thought that the book was a really good book. It was a red line in it and it never was boring.
The language was very easy to understand but it didn’t seem too easy.
In the beginning I didn’t really want to read the book I took but when I had red a couple of pages, I was trapped. It was a very funny ...

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Inactive member [2005-02-10]   Charlie and the chocolate factory
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