The window

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uppladdat: 2005-06-12
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The book is about a little girl called Rayona, who lives with her mother in Tacoma, USA. Rayona’s mother has serious drinking and drug problems and sometimes she even leaves her little girl alone at home for several days in a row, sometimes without any food. Rayona’s father knows about it and one day he has had enough and takes his daughter with him. Not to live with him but to be placed whit a family who can take care of her until her mother is well again. Rayona gets to live with the Potters but she doesn’t enjoy it with them because they are too perfect. So she decides to move to someone else. Now she gets placed with a black middle-aged woman. She seems very strict in the beginning but she and Rayona gets along very well after a while. The women have to leave after a couple of days to visit her daughter that has become ill. Now Rayona has to move again. Now she has to live out in the country, a long way from her hometown. She gets to live with her grandmother, dad’s aunt and dad’s grandmother, which she never met in her whole life. It’s now the story gets more interesting.


I would say that the themes in the book only are love. Rayona’s strong love too her mother and the same love from her mother too Rayona. It’s also Rayona’s relatives love too her, their own flesh and blood that they never seen before.

Environment description:

The book takes place in the USA in the 1990’s. You get to follow Rayona in many different cities and in many different places. Some of them are big cities, out in the country, theme parks and airports. What season it is, is hard to tell because the author doesn’t write anything about the weather.
How the author captured my interest:

I started too get very interested in the contents of the book very early. Maybe because the book isn’t very long but the thing he wrote about that captured my interest was that Rayona’s family had problems. Many authors describe a world that doesn’t exist, some kind of fantasy world where everything is perfect. This book really shows the truth about many kids and their families. I’d really appreciated his honesty.

Main characters:

The only main character you get to know anything about is Rayona. I don’t really know what her age is but I would say about ten years old. She lives with her mother because her parents are divorced. Rayona and her father don’t have any good contact with each other. He just visits when it’s some kind of problem in the family. Rayona is a very cute little girl with dark long hair. Her mother is Indian and her father is half African and half Irish. I believe she is a brave young lady who dares to live with new families all the time without crying in the night or complain about anything. She also seems to be a very independent girl because she has been taking care of herself a lot during her childhood.

Own experiences of what I have red:

I wouldn’t say that I have experienced anything of what I have read in the book. But Rayona’s family’s problems are the kind of problems you read about in the newspaper almost every day and often see on TV shows. So I have experienced it through that but never I my own family.

Moral, ideological or social problems in the book:

Almost the whole book is about social problems. A mother who can’t take care of the child she gave birth to. There are probably many parents that sometime during their lifetime feel like their kid is out of control or that the mother or the father gets psychical problems and start to drink or do drugs. These kinds of problems can’t a person deal with by herself, she has to get help. Just like Rayona’s mother got, although she never asked for it.

Own comments:

I recommend this book for people in my age. But I do think it’s a very short book for that kind of age. It is written on the book that it is for children but if a child is going to read this boo...

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Inactive member [2005-06-12]   The window
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