Internets historia - History of internet

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uppladdat: 2006-01-23
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Internet was found in USA for over 20 years ago. USA felt threaten to get attacked from Soviet and they wanted to build a secure network so they would be safer id soviet would attack.
The plan was to make a network that should work even if some parts of it wore broken. In the eighties internet started to expanded to
military constructions,universities, the goverment and some big companies. In the early nighties private persons wore also able to use it.
Today is the majority of internet users in companies and private persons. the most striking thing when u look at internet is that it is a boundless
medium. Internet is a very good ressource for the small companies for that reason that they compete with the big companies under the same conditions.

The development of internet has gone extremly fast and internet is now accessible for more and more people, either via the job, in school or at home.
Today internet is a network of networks that is attached to each other. If a private person or company wants to connect to internet they first connect to an internet operator for example telia or tele2. They can also make an own server to get connected to internet. But it is far more cheaper to connect to an operator. In 1989 World wode web was founded and now u could search on internet. Before u could only use it if u knew the addres to the opposite computer.
And before world wide web came u couldnt use pictures, sounds or movies on internet.

On internet u can use an e-mail (post on internet), u can chat, u can make ur own webpage, look on others web pages, search for information, search for companies, make personal and business contacts, look and write on news-groups (a notice board on internet), u can play games, watch television, call, f...

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  • Inactive member 2014-12-17

    Men är du förjävla dum eller?


Inactive member [2006-01-23]   Internets historia - History of internet
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-05-16]

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