English text about Lana!

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uppladdat: 2011-01-26
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Dear Lana,

I can understand that life can appear somewhat meaningless from time to time, but it´s up to you to keep strong, keep your head up and make it through every hard situation because it´s your life and not somebody else´s.

I know that parents can be very difficult to reason with sometimes and I know friends who have been involved in quite a similar situation as yours and I know how it feels when you do not live up to your parent´s will/wish.

But I also know that it doesn´t help to cry and that the best thing that you can do is to do what you consider is right.

But maybe if you sit down and have a talk with her about the wearing of makeup and the reasons that she will not let you wear makeup she may change her mind or at least let you wear it on special occasions. Like Christmas Eve or Thanksgiving.

From the little I know about you really care about what others think about you when it comes to clothing etc, and I think that you´ve got an really good point there.

Things aren´t like when our parents were teens, times have changed and the older generation has to face the facts. I must say that I recognized my friend´s lives a lot when you talked about the current situation in life and I can ´t do anything but agree with you when you talked about your parents, but I have to admit that when it comes to school situation, you must really do better. I am sure that your mother is only doing this, because she loves you and she only wants the best for you.

If you´re going to live a lucky life with your dream; an husband and children´s you have to get a good education and a good job, so my advice is to show more discipline in school and better your grades!

I can also understand from reading your text that you as soon as possible want to leave your parents, move out and be...

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Inactive member [2011-01-26]   English text about Lana!
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=58866 [2024-04-29]

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