
2438 visningar
uppladdat: 2011-09-21
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Financial issues                                                                                    

Many young people dont realise how much money they actually waste. I mean, does It seems like you never have enough money to buy what you want? If you only had a little more in salary, you would have bought that game you want, right? But instead of going around and thinking about the money you dont have, why not learn how to use the money you have instead?

If you live at home, you could wait to learn how to manage your finances until you leave home, but it would be like jumping out of an airplane without first having learned how to use a parachute. It is true that you might be able to figure out how it works while you plunge towards the ground, but think how much better it would have been if you had learned the basics of how it works before you jump! 

It's the same with your finances. It is better that you learn to manage money before you move out. Money is the protection, but they are for protection only if you learn how to use them wisely. If you do, it will cause you more confidence and you will earn the respect of your parents.

Have you ever asked your parents what it costs to manage a household? Do you know for example how much electricity, heating and water costs each month? What it costs to own a car or how high food and housing costs are? You may think that...

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Kommentera arbetet: ekonomi

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Inactive member [2011-09-21]   ekonomi
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=59040 [2024-04-29]

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