Poverty tal

464 visningar
uppladdat: 2018-09-17
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Me and my dad had a conversation the other day. I had some problems writing this speech so I asked for help. He said some things that i’ve never even thought of. I asked him what he thinks poverty is and he gave me some good answers. But The more important thing I will take with me is that he told me. No matter what me as you father will be there for you. But when I past away I want you to be there for yourself, instead of me. Because when you have your true self. You’re never gonna suffer from poverty.


In today's society it is hard to fit in, it is hard to imagine the future and it is hard to be yourself. Especially if it's not your country of birth.  


In Sweden there are a lot of groupings and people have difficulty adapting. The immigrants that comes to sweden do not learn the language quickly because they are not in a "Swedish" area. Segregation often happens when they send emigrants to hood’s like they want to gather everyone. People find it hard to adapt to society, they do not learn Swedish quickly when they are not in Swedish-speaking areas. While living in the hood they usually speak their own language and Swedish becomes a prominent language.

The longer they live in these areas, it becomes harder for them to understand that they need to work in Sweden to keep up, most people tend to live on social contributions, which becomes a common lifestyle in their lives. Some immigrants come from poor countries hoping to get a better life mostly for economic reasons, when they then get social contributions they think that it is awesome and they get use to it that way. But it's not just immigrants from poor countries that comes.


Many people come to Sweden through constraint. They have two choices, either escape to foreign country or die. The people that i talk about is people that comes from war-hit countries. In their homes they could have been anything from farmers to lawyers. A lot of them was evan experts in some specific areas. even if you were a doctor they would place you in the hood were all the other immigrants were.

My father got me to think. Isn’t this a sort of poverty?

That you come to a new country through constraint. You have your university degree and your driving license, but none of them apply. You must re-attend school again. You must pay for driving lessons and all courses and tests to take back the driving license.

My dad was 27 years old when he escaped from bosnia to sweden. He had both a driver's license, but also a university degree. He was a qualified chemistry engineer.

In Bosnia he had everything, his family, a really good education, perfect job for a 27 year old man, where he’ve been working the 2 last years. He was found love, and was all happy. But when my dad lost his country, his world collapsed. When he even got rid of his knowledge, he lost his desire to live.

Their is a quote that says “ the land and everything on it can be taken away, but no one can take away your knowledge or the degrees you earn”

I see this as a poverty. When you don’t have anything left, not even your knowledge, that people say “no one can take it from you”. Well they can if they want to, and you are left their by all yourself, almost like you’re naked. You have all the rights to call yourself poor, all though you have roof over your head and money to survive.


I personally thank Sweden everyday for...

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Lejla Mujic [2018-09-17]   Poverty tal
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=60412 [2024-04-30]

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