Harry Potter and the prizoner of azkaban

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uppladdat: 2006-05-04
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J.K Rowling
Harry Potter is a thirteen year old student that goes in Hogwarts school of witchcraft.
He is kind of long with brown hair and small glasses. He is smarter than most of the kids in his age and he is very strong. He allso got a great sense of humour.

This is the third Harry Potter book. In this book he escapes from his aunts house after a big accident. As he escapes his godfather escapes from the prison Azkaban.
But the thing is that Harry doesnt know that he is his godfather and the rest of the world doesnt know it either, they thought that it was Harrys godfather Sirius Black that showed Lord Voldemort to Harrys house so that he could kill Harrys parents.

My favourite character is Ron, Harrys friend. He is my favourite becaue his so funny.
Ron is longer than Harry he got orange hair and he is afraid of spiders.

one fun sentence was said when Fred ang George Weasley rons older brothers gave Harry a map that showed the hole school and the people in it. Fred said to Harry that this was som great shit.
When Harry still didnt knew that Sirius was his godfather Ron said to him that sirius was after Harry. He wants to kill you. Harry just looked at Ron and said that Sirius was welcommed if hi wants to die. His curage inspierd me.
The third sentence was said when Harry and Sirius firts meet. Sirius said to Harry that he was his godfather, but Harry didnt belived him o he attacked Sirius. If you know about something you do the thing right ! Your knowleg is importan.

Harry finds out from the map that Fred and george gave him, that Sirius wasnt a murder after all. so instead of concentrating on his godfather and to get som contact with his godfather he ran after the real killer or helper to a murder Peter Pettigrue. If it was me I would concentrate on my godfather so i could get some things sorten out. Like what really happend on that night when his parents died. Instead of going after Peter...

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  • Inactive member 2008-03-10

    Bästa arbetet!!!

  • Inactive member 2009-03-17

    haha guld värt. kanske en bra tanke. men du bör nog slipa lite på engelskan


Inactive member [2006-05-04]   Harry Potter and the prizoner of azkaban
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=6102 [2024-05-05]

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