
3618 visningar
uppladdat: 2006-05-29
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In a distant world, where sheroes are a fact and heroes never heard of, there is a girl called Nobody.
In every world there has to be a nothing, a nobody, the unknown. In most worlds, everyone has a little piece of it, a tiny shadow of nothingness, nobodyness. But in this particular world nobody has any idea of something called nothing. Therefore there has to be a Nobody in the world at all times. The second one Nobody dies, the next one is born.
The thing about Nobodies is that you can hear them, see them and feel them perfectly, but you can’t notice them. That’s why they are so lonely, the Nobodies.
This particular female Nobody is pretty young. She has been so unfortunate to be born at the same second a Nobody died. Usually, the next Nobody is the child born first after the death of a Nobody, but this girl is special.
Since she was born at exactly the same second as the old Nobody died, she is going to age only half as fast as ordinary people. This is why it’s so hard to tell how old she really is.
But let’s say she’s somewhere between a child and a grown woman. And that, of course, will be considered a different amount of years in different worlds. That’s why I say it’s very convenient not to know her actual age.
And since she is a Nobody, I cant really see what she looks like. But I’ll just guess, and you can guess for yourself. Only to make one similarity in my image of her and yours, I’ll tell you this: her hair is the most ordinary half dark – half light, the kind anybody can have, but not anybody will actually see.
Now I think you know enough of that little woman. The reason I am writing this isn’t to open your eyes about the Nobodies, but to tell you a little story about an interesting girl’s life.

Nobody was born in an ordinary home, on an ordinary afternoon. Her life as a Nobody is easy. She is a glad girl, who doesn’t really like anybody else. She has never understood what was so fantastic about animals, and she has never experienced a friendship. No one has made her aware of the possibility to be loved, and she has never missed it.
The thing she use to do to amuse herself is walking. Her little homevillage was situated just at the foot of a mountain. When she was a little child she used to go on day-long walks to a small cave halfway up the mountain.
As she got older she walked longer, stayed out several days in a row, and not once did anybody worry about her. She never really reflects over it, but she knows they have probably never noticed she has been gone. But since she doesn’t like any of them, she doesn’t really care.

At this time she has started to go all the way up to the top of the mountain and staying up there for days. One day a strange traveler arrives to the little village. He is a… Wait, stop it! Something has to be wrong. I can’t make out what he looks like. He has to be another Nobody!
The day the traveler arrives, Nobody has just left for one of her visits to the mountaintop.
As no one notices him, he stays in the village, just being Nobody, doing nothing, talking to no one.
After hiding beyond an old willow tree at the mountaintop for several days, Nobody decides to get back to the village despite the ...

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  • Inactive member 2006-10-31

    vad fick du för betyg på detta


Inactive member [2006-05-29]   Nobody
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-04-29]

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