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uppladdat: 2007-11-15
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Hilary Duff

Hilary Duff was born in September 28, 1987 in Huston, Texas. She is twenty years old and already a big star in the world. I like her songs and her movies very much, and I look at her movies and I cry every time I see them. They are so beautiful and funny. Her songs are also very good and I like text in her songs, they make me happy and I have always liked her. She is a big fan of me and that’s my dream to see her.

Film career
Hilary duff’s career was early by playing minor roles. She was starting off with an unaccredited miniseries, True Woman in 1997. She also is playing by heart in 1998. Hilary’s first major part was as a star in the movie Casper meets Wendy in 1998. She was playing the young girl Wendy, who encounters the animated character Casper. Hilary´s first serious shot came when she was cast as one of the children in the film “Pilot episode” of the NBC sitcom Daddio in 2000. Hilary Duff was completely easy with herself in this role and she was also comfortable in her own skin.

Her first major role in a feature film was in the family action film “Agent Cody Banks”. This film was received positive reviews and successful enough to spawn a sequel, in which Duff did not participate. Hilary Duff reprised her role as the girl in the film Lizzie McGuire Movie, which exceeded box office expectations earning $55.534.455 worldwide. And later this year so was Hilary duff a role as one of the twelve children of Steve Martin in the film Cheaper by the dozen, this film remains her to the highest grossing film till date. She reprised her role in the sequel to the film called Cheaper by the Dozen 2 in 2005, which failed to be as successful as the original film.
In 2004, was Hilary duff starred in the romantic comedy film “A Cinderella Story” Though the reviews were mostly negative, the film went on to become a moderate box office hit, and critics were very impressed by Hilary’s performance. “A Cinderella Story” earned $66.068.046 worldwide and this film was a commercial success. Later that year, she had her first role in a drama film with name “Raise your Voice”. Hilary Duff praised for appearing in a more mature and serious role than her previous film. The film “Raise your Voice” is an insulting waste of time that begs to be silenced. The film received a lukewarm response at the box office
And is Hilary duff’s least successful film commercially, with total theater received her first Razzie nomination for worst actress for her roles in “Raise your Voice” and also “Cinderella Story” In 2005, was Hilary duff starred in the film “The perfect Man” In this film was she playing the eldest daughter (Heather Locklear). The film received mostly harsh reviews and proved to be a box office disaster, grossing $19,770,475 globally. The same year was Hilary Duff nominated again for a Razzie Award for 2The perfect man” and also Cheaper by the dozen 2. Material Girls was made in 2006 and Hilary duff co-starred with her sister Haylie and she was also a major disappointment, and the film was only grossing $14.189.525 worldwide. Hilary received nominations for another two Razzie awards for her role in the film.

Music career
Hilary duff´s first song album was Santa Claus Lane in 2000. The album had a collection of Christmas sons and it’s also included duets with Lil’ Romeo, Christina Millian and also her sister Haylie Duff. The track Santa Claus Lane was included on the soundtrack to the film Santa Claus 2 and many other songs. Hilary sang several tracks for the 2003 soundtrack to the amazing film The Lizzie McGuire Movie, and this movie was including the song “Why not”, which peaked at number fourteen in Australia. Hilary Duff’s second album and her first studio album, Metamorphosis in 2003, and this album were reached to number on the U.S. and Canadian charts. This album became one of the biggest albums of the year in U.S. and it was since gone to sell over 3.7 million copies. Hilary’s third album was self-titled of her own name “Hilary Duff”. She described the song album as having an edgier. The album was released on her seventeenth birthday in September 2004. She debuted at number two in the U.S. and at number one in Canada. The album had sold over 1.5 million copies in the U.S. in eight months. But it was only the single “f...

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Inactive member [2007-11-15]   Filmstjärna
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-09-21]

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