From a disgrace to rights

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uppladdat: 2008-01-30
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"To give birth to a daughter is like to water a plant in someone else´s yard", says a phrase from Harayna, a district in India. Im talking about abortion, people all over the world! Murder and disgrace! Imagine India, the beautiful religion in india, hinduism. Well so much for the respect i had for it. Or can i say so much for the respect the hindues have for all living lifes in all this sorts? Probably you respect holy cows and rats more than the women, so you sacrifice food for them, how ironic isn´t that. What i mean is inside the religion hinduism, they say you shouldn´t kill any living thing on earth, then why do they kill a foetus who actually lives inside the mom´s stomach. I can´t deny it and neither can they, that´s truthful double standard! They can´t go on killing unborn girls, it will end with a disaster, only boys will be left, they can´t make children right?
To bad the women who give birth to, to many girls run the risk for being trown out on the street or being murdered. But of course none of that isn´t the guy´s fault, noncens!
Almost in the back of every street there is an ultrasoundclinic, where you get to know wich sex the child will be. If the examination show: girl, the abortion happends right away.
They do now tell us it´s forbidden to do an abortion, and i think that if the cops found out something they would step in. Now i´ll come to an certain conclusion, the abortion costs right? Nothing is for free, so that means only the people in the higher casts who are rich can aford it. So when the cops jump in and try to do something, the rich people bribe with money, or that is what i think they do.
Others who dont aford an abortion, born the kid and find out afterwards if it´s a girl or boy. If it turns out a girl, they kill the baby. Bury the baby in pots is one way, and another, putting sand in the mouth and nose until the poor baby suffocate. In our country we fight for the louse-running dogs becouse we feel bad for them. And in their country they hunt after babygirls. What is it with them are they brainwashed? They are as much as we are human, and no one should say they´re not educated, they dont have to. But please don´t anybody have feelings or are there hart´s cold as ice? I would like to ask them how they really feel about it, what if they where that dead baby? And what about not killing anything? I really am lost right now i can´t imagine thinking like them i can´t even imagine that cind of people, hartless people really lives on the earth!
I know im being such a negative person right here but this is my opinion no one cant change that. I think i would do the same as them if i where raised in that culture, you make money, and desperately you need it to survive.
But honestly i know im sure i know, i would be sceard of the world. I would be scared of my husband and everyone else. The first thing, you have to be married to a man you maby dont whant to be with, and that man is capable to anything. couse men has the power! it doesn´t matter how and why they have it. No wonder everybody whant´s boys and things lik that.
My conclution:
Many of the Eurpean people have this huge respect and sympati for the hinduism. You mean that the hinduism is a very huble religion, who preach and have respect for all living. This respect can even go extremly far they can´t even imagine killing a little ant, they say. But y...

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Inactive member [2008-01-30]   From a disgrace to rights
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-04-26]

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