About the amazing Dolphins

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uppladdat: 2008-03-11
Inactive member

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I have always been very fascinated of dolphins. They are an amazing creature and very intelligent to. They have a big brain and are counted in to the animals with the highest intelligence. They have it easy to learn new things like react on sound signals, they even use different sounds like ultrasonic’s and body languages to communicate with each other. Their hearing and sight is very developed and while sleeping their half brain is awake and one eye is opened as a protection against attacks from enemies. Dolphins are very playful and easy to train, they jump out of the water and do acrobatic moves, and the jumps are expounded as a game. The common length is between one and four meters long and they sleep eight hours a day.
Dolphins have always fascinated the human threw time, even way back to the old Greeks where they made a temple in Delphi to a dolphin God honour. It’s thanks to the dolphin’s intelligence and qualities that we think they are friendly and that’s also why we have such a huge interest for them. Their diet consists of fish, octopus and other form of animal diet.

Dolphins are Amazing animals and should be treated with much respect. They are very elegant and seem to be very kind and cute. I have wondered why we use dolphins in movies and commercials. Why do we use just dolphins of all fishes why don’t we put a jackfish or similar in a movie. What’s so special with just dolphins? I think it’s because of their kindness and intelligence we do so. Why we use dolphins in child movies, I think, it’s because children find them very cute and in all movies they are helping humans in some way or the other. Maybe it’s because they are a harmonically animal and its rub of. They have their own little personality. They are very social and curious animals, and seem to be easy to work with. I heard that their brain is similar to the human brain, how is that possible? We live on land and they live in the water, that’s fascinating that our brains have developed threw time to be as similar as they are today. That’s just another aspect of the nature.
I have always wanted to swim with dolphins since I was little, to see them up close. I have a CD at home with dolphins’ sounds on and I find it very relaxing, I can fall asleep with those sounds. It’s my way to come down a little after a ruff day. It would be interesting if we could learn little more about the dolphin. Try to understand their language. Maybe in the future who knows? Maybe I will become one of ...

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Inactive member [2008-03-11]   About the amazing Dolphins
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=9449 [2024-04-28]

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