Developing Countries

1704 visningar
uppladdat: 2008-05-23
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List of Content

Page 1: Background, Aim, Question at issue
Page 2: Methods, Result/Discussion
Page 3: Result/Discussion, List of references

I chose to write about this subject because I think it is time for the developed countries to open up their eyes. Just listen to the name, developed country, for me it says that we are satisfied the way it is. We need to realize that we are not in any ways, more developed then countries like China or India. These countries are expanding and developing every minute while we are almost standing still. We are comfortable settling down, saying: “But we live in one of the best countries in the world, just look at our great medical service.”

Yes, it is a fact that we are one of the best countries in the world to reside in because everyone can eat, approximately everyone have a place to sleep and the social protection net we got here is very secure. But how long will it remain like this? I relate this to the fairytale with the rabbit and the turtle. They are having a running competition and of course the rabbit is faster, but he was so much faster then the turtle that he got ignorant, and before he reached the goal line he thought that just because he was so fast he could take a short nap. And while he was sleeping the turtle actually catched up and won. In this comparison the rabbit would be Sweden and the turtle would be China.

I want to make people understand that we need to start changing, because the world is moving while we are standing still. We need to understand the value of creativity and new ideas. If we don’t realize this soon, we will not have a chance to compete against countries such as India and China.

Question at issue
Should Sweden really be a developed country?

The methods I am going to use in this work is generally reading and discussing, I will read both on the Internet from reliable sources and news articles from different magazines. The discussing I will do with different people, mostly to catch a glimpse of how strong my arguments really are.


We need to become conscious about the fact that the value of knowledge is reducing while the value of creativity is rising. With Internet, our knowledge is not worth so much anymore. More people in China and India are now getting university examinations, often they are also very motivated. There is no reason for why a big international company like the American Volvo should hire a Swedish employee instead of five from China. We think we know more then them, but we don’t. This is an example that shows that we know nothing at all about their world, only 0.5% of the Swedish population knows what the name of the leader of the worlds biggest country, China, is. That is embarrassing, and yes one could ask oneself, but do they know who Fredrik Reinfelt is? Probably not, but they know who George. W. Bush is. Next year 50 million kids in developing countries are getting a laptop computer, that means that these children will go from having no book at all, to having every book and all information in the world.

In Sweden we have 300.000 people that are going to universities, that’s a great number but we can’t be pleased with it. In China they are currently building 100 universities just at this moment. Last year 600.000 Chinese signed up to a university. That’s on only one year, and is double the number of people going to Swedish universities. It is time to realize what is happening to education. The competition nowadays is too hard, directors wont hire you when they can hire someone for twelve Swedish crowns per hour, as I said, the value of knowledge is reducing. That does not indicate that you should skip school, but creativity is what people pay for now. Still, knowledge and creativity is not two totally different things, to maximise your creativity you need to have a good knowledge.
As Mohamed Ali said, “A man without imagination is a man without wings.”
The worlds highest towers are all located in Malaysia, Shanghai, Taiwan. They are all between 504-530 meters high. In Dubai, they are currently building a tower that will be 800 meters high. From 530 to 800 meters, that’s incredible, yes you can argue about that towers that high is unnecessary because we have enough land in Sweden and that building the worlds highest tower is just about show-off. When Europe were the most evolving part of the world, we built the highest towers here, same things with America, but it was a very long time since we built the highest tower in this part of the wor...

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  • Inactive member 2011-04-11

    Du har skrivit den här utifrån en mycket välkänd föreläsning, fyfan vad lågt


Calle Egnell Nystrand [2008-05-23]   Developing Countries
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-04-29]

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