Graduation speech
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uppladdat: 2003-10-28
uppladdat: 2003-10-28
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I can hardly believe that I’m standing here, doing a speech for our graduation. After twelve years in school we’re finally here, at the ending of this educational journey.
These last twelve years have contained a lot of hard work but it has also brought a lot of joy. I have been laughing and crying, sometimes I thought that I would never get to this point in my life. I’ve met nice people, kind people, boring, smart, cute and cool people and even some nerds. Most of these persons have found a special place in my heart.
My friends have been a big support as I have been for them when the going got though. My parents have supported me too and I love them all.
On special occasion, that I always will remember is my first day at Fyriskolan.
I was numbed by this big, grey and boring building that was going to be my second home for the next three years. Once I entered the main entrance I stumbled upon bunches of boys. Maybe college wouldn’t get to though anyway…!
I and an old classmate, named David, had chosen the same program so I hoped that we would go in the same class. But of course we didn’t. After the assignment I felt very lonely and didn’t know any of my new classmates. At the lunch break I ran into a very near friend, Maria, which I known sense I was three years old. So I changed to the same class as her. I think that is one of the best things I ever done. This class was the best I ever been in and not only because I went to the same class as Maria but also because I met new, nice and encouraging people.
Twelve years in school and I have learned a lot. Now I almost feel like a
grown-up and I have to take responsibility for my own actions. This feels a bit scary but I know ...
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Inactive member [2003-10-28] Graduation speechMimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-12-12]
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