London trip
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uppladdat: 2003-12-05
uppladdat: 2003-12-05
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After sleeping some hours I wanted some fun to do. I decide to go to visit Big Ben. I took me 30 minutes to get to Big Ben whit bus. Big Ben is one of London best-known landmarks. Everybody knows what Big Ben is right? I you don’t I will tell you some now. Big Ben is the big bell in the clock tower of the houses of parliament
In London. It weighs about 14 tons and it is 2.3-meter high. Big Ben
rang the first time in 1859, and it´s named after Sir Benjamin Hall, he
Was called Big Ben. Big Ben is the symbol of Britain. The mechanism
Weighs about 4.5 tons and until 1913 it was pulled by hand. Now there
is an electric motor which pulls Big Ben. The tower begins building 1843 and the tower was complete 13 years later, year 1856. the tower is totally 316 feet tall! The clocks got four bells and were designed by Denison in 1852. Yea I think it’s a really fascinating building. Now I think its time to go to bed I’m really tired after the trip to London. More to se tomorrow.
God morning again! Rise and shine. Today I’m gong to visit London eye. I tell you more about it when we get there.
I walked over to the bus stop and waited for the bus. I took almost one hour to get to London eye. London eye is a Giant Observation Wheel. Like our parise julet in liseberg. The wheel became operational in January 2000. You can find the wheel in Jubilee Gardens. The tower is amazingly 135m or 450 feet. No more to say about this building why not continue our trip to the Tower Bridge. Look at that building. Two towers and a bridge. Looks very nice from here! The tower bridge was build for over 100 years ago. Nothing more to say about this let move further! Now let’s move to one more exciting place. In front of me I se the Buckingham Palace! The Buckingham Palace is there the queen Elizabeth is sitting. Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the sovereign, and was first opened to the public in 1993. I think this is really exciting! Stand in front of the Buckingham palace. The Buckingham Palac...
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Inactive member [2003-12-05] London tripMimers Brunn [Online]. [2025-01-14]
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