The Color Purple

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uppladdat: 2004-05-24
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This book takes place around the 1930’s in the United States of America. The main figure is a black girl named Celie. The whole book is like a diary but she writes like it was letters to God.
In her diary you get to know her and can read about all things that has happened in her life.
First you get to meet her afoul father who abuses her and rapes her. He also marries her away at a young age. The man who she got married to is just called Mr.____. They never mention the male names except for the boys.
Celie hates Mr.____ he just bosses her around all the time, the only thing that she likes about him is Shug Awery. Shug is a singer who’s a friend of Mr.____ and she stays at there place a lot. Shug opens her eyes and with her Celie feels that she is worth something.
Celie loves one person more than anyone or anything in the whole wide world and that is her sister Nettie. She hasn’t seen her since she left her fathers place and she would do just about anything to see her again. In the “diary ” you also get to read letters that Nettie has sent to Celie. Celie actually starts to write letters to Nettie instead of God when she realizes that there can’t be a God. Cause then she wouldn’t live this hell.
It’s a sad story with bright moments. You really get to know how bad the black women were treated in those day’s. But you also get to see how they manage to survive from the hell many of them were living. One thing that makes them survive is the love they have for each other, like the love Celie and Nettie sheared.
The language was quite hard to understand in the beginning as you’re not used to the southern accent but you get used to it after a while. It wasn’t just the southern accent I think th...

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Inactive member [2004-05-24]   The Color Purple
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