Shade´s Children

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uppladdat: 2005-02-01
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I have read Shade’s Children by Garth Nix. The novel has 345 pages divided into 37 chapters.
The story begins with Gold-eye being haunted by several trackers. He had his hideout in an old train carriage when he in his soon-to-be-now vision saw the trackers finding his trail. He did not hesitate to escape and he took the escape route he had planned months before when he first had found the carriage. It did not take long time for the myrmidons to join up the chase with the trackers. After a long run the myrmidons managed to surround him. Then suddenly he heard a voice and the next second a rope was hanging close to him. At first he hesitated but then he swinged up the rope where he saw three other humans. It was Ninde, Ella and Drum who also had managed to escape the dormitories.
When the four friends came back to their headquarter they talked to their master, Shade. They decided to crush the Overlords´ Empire but first they would need much more information about them. The children get tasks from Shade, and other children too before Gold-eye got there. During their time spying on the empire the love between Ella and Drum and between Ninde and Gold-eye grows.
It was a sadly ending with the children able to destroy the Overlords´ grand projector but at that time Ella and Drum already had got to much change energy in their bodies. They decided to go and sit down at a wall looking out at the sky and the sun. They smiled at each other and the next second they were dead. Ninde and Gold-eye survived and the last page of the book was a vision into the soon-to-be-now. With energy from the Grand projector he was able to look longer into the future. The vision showed them two small children who was playing in a park and Ninde in her late twenties watching them. She saw a man walking toward her, he bent down and kissed her lovingly on her ear. Then she called to the children, “Ella! Drum! Daddy is here! It’s time to go home.”

Gold-eye is a quite shy boy about 15 years old. He has been quite isolated from other humans after his escape from the dormitories.

Nine is a girl about the same age as Gold-eye. She is quite fond of him and she too has a change talent.

Ella is an older girl who is very logical and smart. She is experienced about the life outside the Dormitories and takes things cool and serious.

Drum is too quite experienced about the life outside the dorms and has also build up very strong muscles.

I think the book is very good. You can really feel the characters emotions but how they look you’ll have to fantasise for yourself because the author don’t describe their look so much. It is a very good world where the book is taking place, some sort abandoned futuristic world, where everybody over fourteen has been captured after the change. The book was not too hard or too easy, I think it fitted me rather well. It was a really good book that I really would ...

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Inactive member [2005-02-01]   Shade´s Children
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