Black Boy

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uppladdat: 2005-02-09
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I’ve read the book called Black Boy written by Richard Wright. It was quite an easy book to read, and it was very instructive. The plot was based on a true story, his own life, but I thought the book should be more exciting then it really was.

The book was published in 1945 for the first time, but after that many book companys have printed the book in a lot of different languages.
“Black Boy” retell a story about a black boy who lives a very complicated life, with a lot of troubles. Despite that, he sucess to prove that black and white people have the same value.
It began in the year of 1920, when Richard was a child, only four years old. He and his familiy and their granny lived in a big house together, in Mississippi. One day when Richard was playing beside the fireplace, he thought that he should try to fire some straws from the broom and put them into the fireplace. Later on he put the straws under the curtains, just to look what was happening. The flames were spreading in the courtains and after a few minutes the house was on fire.
After that accident the whole familiy moved to different places during a short time. The father left the familiy and they had big problems to get money for food. Richard went to many different schools during the time when they are moving around. He became teased beacuse of his coloured skin, and it was a very hard time to experience.
The mother became seriously ill, and Richard started to work. The hole famlily needed money for food.
When Richard started looking for job his skin coulor was a constantly promlem for him. The employers thought that he was more stupied than white people. But he was very good to defend himself against criticism. In different situations during the book Richard told teachers and other adults to correct that thier oppinions about coloured people.
I specially liked one pice in the book, where Richard really shows that he was treated badly. Richard and his familiy were living with aunt Addie, until they could find a place of their own. Richard was going to the same school were his aunt teached. One day when Richard went to school, he became very illtreated by his aunt who was the teacher in his class. She saw some walnuts on the floor, and blamed Richard, and she even struck him until his hand was nearly bleeding. It wasn’t Richards fault, it was the boy who was sitting next to him who had put the walnuts on floor. When Richard came home that day, aunt Addie went to the kitchen to confront him.

“’You’re not going to beat me again!’ I told her.
‘You beat me for throwing walnuts on the floor! But I didn’t do it!’
‘Then who did?’
I told her the name of the boy.
‘Why didn’t you tell me before’ she asked.
‘I don’t want to tell tales on other people.’
‘ So you lied?’
I could not talk.
‘Hold out your hand’
‘You’re not going to beat me’
‘I’m going to beat you for lying’”

In spite of that he told her the truth, she beat him again. Examples like this were very ordinary in the book and I felt very angry when I read about them.
Richard is a stong person who really could say his oppinion about things, and he was never afraid of being beaten – just the truth won.
As a person Richard became very divided and I think that he felt very lonely most of the time. He had no idea where his father was, and the time in school was terrible. But nothing prevent him to look for new challenges. He was a very intelligent boy, and he wrote some novells to the newspapers about that there were no different between people with different coulors of their skin. I suppose that he was very thin, beacuse he couldn’t have all that food that he needed. He was a small person with a very big heart and he proves it again and again.
I dont think that I´m going to tell you more about the plot now, but I can promise that it will be worth while reading the book, and find out about Richard and his familiy.

My own oppinions about the book
I liked the book, but it was a few things that wasn’t good. The translation of the words at the bottom of the page, was words I allready known.
The story was good, but I think it would be even better if you read the whole book, and not just a shortenig.
It was a book with good purpose, I felt that I had learned something new, when I finished the book. This is a book I want everbody to re...

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Inactive member [2005-02-09]   Black Boy
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