Pride and Prejudice

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uppladdat: 2005-02-10
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The Principal character of ‘Pride and Prejudice’ is Elizabeth Bennet. She’s a young woman who lives with her parents and sisters. The story begins with a new neighbour. When
Mr Bingley moves in near the Bennets he’s a hot prey. A single man with a lot of money draws the attention to himself. Many of the families in the area have daughters who would like to marry Mr Bingley. At a ball, Mr Bingley lays his eyes on Elizabeth’s sister, Jane. He falls in love with her and discusses the matter with his friend Mr Darcy. Mr Bingley also tries to make Mr Darcy dance with one of the other beautiful girls at the ball, suggesting Elizabeth. Mr Darcy then tells him that the only beautiful girl is already taken. Since Elizabeth heard their discussion - and the fact that he turned her down - she starts to consider him arrogant and proud.

It doesn’t improve her feelings for him when she hears a story from a man who spends his childhood in Darcy’s family. This friend, named Wickham, tells Elizabeth how Mr Darcy always tried to ruin his life in different ways. She sticks to this opinion until she meets
Mr Darcy’s cousin. He tells her the story about Darcy’s and Wickham’s relation when children from an entirely other point of view. As the story continues, Elizabeth finds out more things about Mr Darcy and she starts to understand him and the way he act. When he makes a proposal to her, all her former feelings shows again and she insults him pretty badly. This is an action she will regret for the rest of the book. Mr Darcy, however, keeps being the nice person he alters to just before the proposal and when Elizabeth’s sister runs away with Wickham she is devastated. She knows the true Wickham and Darcy tries to help her family to find her sister and Wickham. In the end there have been a couple of weddings and Elizabeth has changed her mind about a few people. The book is built on the social game during the 19th century. It’s very much about knowing the right persons. A person of high social position takes it for granted to be respected. Someone with a lower status may have a different opinion in some matter, but it seems very seldom that opinion is expressed.

The book ends happily, just the way it should. It is quite a good book which contains some surprises and characters to love and hate. You understand the problems Elizabeth has and also go on reading to find out how the book is going to end. I think it’s pretty obvious right from the beginning, how it will en...

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  • Inactive member 2011-10-01

    very good;)


Inactive member [2005-02-10]   Pride and Prejudice
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2025-01-24]

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