Pride and Prejudice
uppladdat: 2020-06-09
The books Pride and Prejudice, which was written in 1813 by Jane Austen and Bridget Jones’s Diary was written 2001 by Helen Fielding. That means there is 200 years between them.
These books can show us the differences between families 200 years ago and modern families 2001.
The first book, Pride and Prejudice is about family Bennet and their goal in life is to see their daughters married to rich men.
The Womens' only task in 1813 was to born children and take care of the house, therefore it was important for families to marry their daughters to rich men especially if they were poor family as family Bennet. Mr Bennets wife was anxious about her daughter's marriage because her daughters can not inherit their own garden if Mr bennet dies.
The garden will go to mr bennet cousin and that's because of the church's rolls. That's why women can not inherit anything if they weren't married. Family bennet wanted to marry one of their daughters to Mr Darcy, who was recently divorced. Mr Darcy was a rich man that's why he was a good chance to their daughters.
The second book Bridget jones's Diary was about Bridget who was trying to lose weight and quit smoking. Bridget was also trying to find love. Despite her mother was always trying to get her to know the recently divorced Mrs Mark Darcy. At the same time was Bridget dating Mr Daniel Cleaver, who was Bridget boss. One day could Bridget found out that Mr Daniel is cheating on her. That's why Bridget decided to focus on her own career and Mr Darcy help her with that.
Then Bridget and mark stated to dating and she falls in love with him. One day mark and his family was inviting in Bridget house and they find out that Julio who was bridget mother boyfriend who scammed Bridget family friend out of their money. Including Mark Darcy family.
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The books Pride and Prejudice, which was written in 1813 by Jane Austen and Bridget Jones’s Diary was written 2001 by Helen Fielding. That means there is 200 years between them.
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Hasan Ali [2020-06-09] Pride and PrejudiceMimers Brunn [Online]. [2025-01-14]