Shakespeare in love

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uppladdat: 2006-01-31
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William Shakespeare was born in 1564 and died in 1616. He lived in England. Shakespeare has written apart from Shakespeare in love: Hamlet, Mac Beth, and Othello among others.

The setting is how it was in England in 1593 in the Elizabethan London. In the movie William Shakespeare is at the beginning just an ordinary poor man. He has written some plays but he isn’t famous, and now his writing is blocked. Later on the theatre wants him to write a play for the queen. So he has to come up with a good play. In the beginning he has some troubles to write it, but then he fell in love with Viola. The play is about them and their impossible love. The play is called Romeo and Juliet.

They can’t be together because Shakespeare is a poor man and Viola is a rich woman that is engaged to be married with Lord Wessex. Viola also wants to be an actor, but she can’t because she’s a woman, and they’re not allowed to be on stage. So she decides to be dressed like a man and she goes to the audition, she calls herself Tomas Kent. She gets to play the part of Romeo. When they perform the play for the queen they had found out that Tomas Kent really was Viola so she couldn’t be in the play anymore. But when the man that plays Juliet got sick Viola takes over in his place, and the man that had taken Violas part, as Romeo was Shakespeare, so they play against each other. The play ends with that both Romeo and Juliet dies, which is typical for Shakespeare’s plays that the plays ends with a tragedy. In the “reality” Viola marries Lord Wessex and moves to America. Shakespeare is left alone at home.

Viola is a rich girl that likes poetry over everything. One day she and Shakespeare meets and they fell in love. Viola pretends to be a man so she can act in Shakespeare’s play.
Lord Wessex is the man that Violas parents decided that she was going to marry. He’s an elegant man and has his money in tobacco.
The Queen Elisabeth likes theatre. She often commands writers to write plays for her.
Mr. Tilney was the boss of the theatre in Queen Elisabeth’s name.
Tomas Kent was Violas other name that she had when she were at the theatre. She took the name from her maid’s son.
Marlow is a famous writer. Some even think that he’s the real writer of Shakespeare plays.
The Puritans were a group of English Protestants that wanted to reform the church.

William Shakespeare writes in poem. I think that love ha...

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  • Inactive member 2009-09-17

    Det vore bli bättre om det var på svenska också

  • Inactive member 2014-01-17

    Vad fick du på den här uppgiften?

  • Inactive member 2014-01-21

    Lara, Ajabaja du får absolut inte skriva av :)

  • Inactive member 2014-01-21

    Lara, Ajabaja du får absolut inte skriva av :)


Inactive member [2006-01-31]   Shakespeare in love
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