Sienna Miller

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uppladdat: 2009-12-07
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Sienna Miller

Sienna Rose Miller is a British-American model and actress, one the better in both categories.  She was born the 28th December 1981 in New York from an English father and a mother from South Africa. Though New York-born, Miller grew up in south-west London's Parsons Green district. She says herself that she's definitely British and that she don't feel American at all. Sienna's mother Jo Miller ran London's Lee Strasberg drama school were Sienna also studied. Jo was very successful and worked for example together with no one less than David Bowie for a spell during the 1970s.  Her father, Ed Miller was an American Banker and was for more than a decade married to the top interior designer Kelly Hoppen who he also gave tree children.

As I mentioned earlier Sienna Miller studied drama at the Lee Strasberg Institute in New York City together with among all Maichael Margotta. She was also educated at Heathfield School in Ascot, Berkshire. In the summer of 2005, she made her West End debut in the stage production of William Shakespeare's "As You Like It", directed by David Lan, at the Wyndham Theatre. She played the role of Celia. After her debut, job after job kept coming and Sienna worked very hard and extremely intense and succeeded to create herself a name also as an actress and not only as a very good looking "fashionista"

During the years Sienna managed to earn the amount of eight nominations of witch two of them were winning ones.

When Sienna is not working, dating really awkward blokes or making headlines in another way, she loves to spend time with her family and friends. Accept for her mother and her father Sienna has a sister, Savannah, two half brothers, Charles and Stephen and a half sister, Natasha.  She's also good friends with among all Guy Pearce, Keira Knightly and Anne Hathaway. Not to forget, she also has two dogs who she loves to walk and cuddle with, she named them Porgy and Bess after the two leading characters in Gershwin's opera of the same name.

Accept for her brilliant movies and modeling jobs Sienna is very known for her stormy relationship with actor Jude Law. Jude and Sienna met in 2004 when they did the movie Alfie together. They dated intensively a few months and got engaged on Christmas Day the same year. In July 2005 Jude Law publicly apologized to Sienna for cheating on her with nanny Daisy Wright and they both fond them self in the situation. It all seemed good for a couple of months but in October Jude realized that Sienna had an affair with actor Daniel Craig. Sienna was still very upset with Law cheating on her and he kicked her out of their house in London and broke the engagement. 26th May in 2006 the former couple made a speech to the press and said that they were "working things out", November 12th the same year their relationship was though officially over and Jude's now dating Kim Hersov. 

In 2007 Miller lounged a new fashion line, named Twenty8Twelwe together with her beloved sister Savannah Miller. Early 2008 Sienna ...

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Inactive member [2009-12-07]   Sienna Miller
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