picture analysis

1885 visningar
uppladdat: 2017-04-20
Inactive member

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Image analysis 

"The rebellion." 


Original title " Candy cigarette "Artist Sally Mann.


This black and white picture featuring three children. A young girl looking directly into the camera with a look of despite. She was one arm wrapt around her self with a watch on the wrist and the other arm leaning against it with a cigarett in hand. She has long blond hair and wearing a white dress. There's another girl just behind her at the right side. This girl is facing the other way. She has darker hair tied up in a pony tail and her arms on hips. In the background you can se a boy on stilts also facing the other way. He is wearing shorts and a withe shirt. The surroundings are dark, trees of some kind, the picture is blurry so you can't make out witch sort. The children are on a graveled road that curves into the trees in the background. Up in the corner you can a glimpse of the sky. 


When I first look at this picture I see childhood and how this young girl with a cigarette rebels for that. She want to be a grownup. I think must people had that moment where they think it's so much better to be an adult. And to show that they do something that they aren't allowed to do, it can be smoking a cigarette or staying out after curfew or pretty much anything restricted. You can also se how the younger children reacts by turning the other way, because for them that reeling doesn't exits  yet. 



The first thing that caught my attention is the young girl facing the camera, her expression on her face. The fact that she is so young and holding a cigarette. The picture is raw but on the same time sad and full of truth. The fact that it's in black and white makes the the persons in the picture sand out more.The only part that's clear in picture is the girl with cigarette, w...

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Inactive member [2017-04-20]   picture analysis
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=60101 [2024-10-23]

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