Australian Animals

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uppladdat: 2006-09-30
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Australian Animals

Many strange animals only exist in Australia and on Tasmania. Animals like the Kangaroo, the Kiwi bird, the Koala bear, the Dingo and many more. Australia was separated from the other continents early so the environment is very different from the rest of the world.

The Koala bear

The koala bear lives in the eucalyptus forests in the East- and the South parts of Australia. It eats leafs from the eucalyptus tree, Mistletoe. In Australia there are around 350 different eucalyptus species but the Koala bear only eats around 20 of them. The koala bear is the only specie in the family pouch bears that is alive. It can be up to 17 years and produce one baby per year. It can be around 60-85 centimeters and it weight can turn between 4-15 kilos. In the beginning of the 1900th there were many millions of koala bears in the southeast Australia. After two decades of hunting and forest fires the number of the koalas only where a couple of thousands. The koala bear looks like a teddy bear, with a big head and big, round eyes. The koala bear has a soft fur that is grey on the over side and white on the underside. The koalas have round ears and a large nose. They have a great grip with their hind foots.
The koala lives alone all the time, in the
pairing time the male shouts loudly to
show their territory. They are pregnant
in 35 days before birth. They only gets
one baby, but just like humans they can
have twins. In the 80ties scientists found
out that many koala bears has a venereal
disease called chlamydeous psittaci. That
disease gives the koalas a real bad
condition, that’s why they are so lazy and
slow. The disease is spread with mating
and to the young that eats the mothers
droppings in the wean time. Many koala
bears dies because of the disease if they
don’t get treatment.

The Dingo

The Dingo looks like a dog, many believe that the Dingo descends from the dog Canis. They came to Australia 3500-4000 years ago with pirates from Asia. Many believed that the Dingo came with the aborigines but that is wrong. The Dingo also lives in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Burma. Many people believe that the aborigines used the Dingo for hunting, that’s wrong, they only used them for guarding, food and bed warmer on nights. When the Dingo came to Australia the number of the pouch wolf and the pouch devil went down. Nowadays they are extinct because the Dingoes eat all there food. But the pouch wolf and the pouch devil still live on Tasmania where there are no Dingoes. The Dingo can be up between 116-124 centimeters long and their weight can be around 10-20 kilos. The male is bigger than the female. The dingo reproduces 4-7 puppies per year. They are pregnant for 9 weeks. The oldest know Dingo became 14 years but she lived in captivity. A dingo lives almost always in flocks but if there are to little food they can leave the flock. They eats bugs, plants and carcass, but they like mammals that weight over a half kilo most of all. When they live in flocks they also hunts kangaroos, sheeps, horses and other cattle animals. The peoples that live in Australia tries to kill the Dingoes with hunting from airplanes, with poison and payment for ...

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Inactive member [2006-09-30]   Australian Animals
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2025-02-07]

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