Big Ben

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uppladdat: 2007-03-02
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Detta är bara en liten del av ett stort arbete i Engelskan. Vi var en grupp på 4 personer som skulle åka till ett englsktalande land. (observeraatt vi inte gjorde detta i verkligheten) Vi valde Storbritannien, London. Detta är däremot den enskilda delen, när vi skulle skriva om någon sevärdhet som vi "sett". Jag valde Big Ben. --> Enjoy <--


When I was in London I visited the famous Big Ben. It was incredibly beautiful, but I have heard that it’s even more stunning at night, when it’s illuminated with light.
You would probably say it’s a huge clock tower, but in point of fact it’s not. The Big Ben is actually a thirteen ton heavy bell that lies within the tower, behind the clock. It rings every hour and have three smaller bells that rings every fifteen minutes.
The Bell has a very interesting story, and it begins on the 16th October 1834 when the Palace of Westminster burned to the ground. It had long been the seat of the British government. When the new Houses of Parliament were under construction 1844, the Parliament decided that they wanted to incorporate a tower with a clock. And the architect Charles Barry was awarded the job to organize it.
It was an important job to find a design of a clock that could stand the requirements. That’s why Charles Barry decided to lend the commission to a guy named Edmund Beckett Denison. 1851 Denison came up with a design which could meet the specifications, and in 1854 it was completed. Meantime Barry had specified the thirteen ton heavy bell. The transporting of the bell from the foundry to the Houses of Parliament was a big event. Traffic stopped, and the streets were full of people who cheered the bell all along the route. The route the bell were transported weren’t more than a few miles, but it was so heavy that it had to be drawn by sixteen horses!
The bells of the clock rang for the first time on 31st May 1859. At the same time, the Parliament had a special sitting, just to decide the name for the great bell. Sir Benjamin Hall, chief lord of the woods and forests, was known in the House as “Big Ben”. He stood up, after many suggestions, and gave a very long speech on the subject. Then he sank back into his seat and a wag in the crowd shouted out: “Why not call him Big Ben and have done with it?” The House laughed, and Big Ben had been named.
Just two months after the clock went into service, Big Ben cracked. Eventually they fixed it with a lighter hammer, but the sound we hear today isn’t as clair as it once were, because of...

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  • Inactive member 2009-03-02

    Du kanske skulle kunna skriva på svenska

  • Inactive member 2009-03-02

    Du kanske skulle kunna skriva på svenska


Inactive member [2007-03-02]   Big Ben
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2025-01-13]

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