Kurt Cobain.

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uppladdat: 2007-11-13
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Kurt Cobain.
Here is one of the many songs that Kurt Cobain wrote and sang:

Polly wants a cracker
I think I should get off her first
I think she wants some water
To put out the blow torch

It isn''''t me
Haven''''t seen
Let me clip
Your dirty wings
Let me take a ride
don''''t cut yourself
I want some help
To please myself
I''''ve got some rope
You have been told
I promise you
I have been true
Let me take a ride
Don''''t cut yourself
I want some help
please myself

Polly wants a cracker
Maybe she would like some food
She asks me to untie her
A chase would be nice for a few

It isn''''t me
Haven''''t seen
Let me clip
Your dirty wings
Let me take a ride
Don''''t cut yourself
I want some help
please myself
I''''ve got some rope
You have been told
I promise you
I have been true
Let me take a ride
Don''''t cut yourself
I want some help
please myself

Polly said

Polly says her back hurts
And she''''s just as bored as me
She caught me off my guard
It amazes me, the will of instinct

It isn''''t me
have some seed
Let me clip
Your dirty wings
Let me take a ride
Don''''t cut yourself
I want some help
please myself
I''''ve got some rope
You have been told
I promise you
I have been true
Let me take a ride
Don''''t cut yourself
I want some help
please myself

The song above is called Polly, and its on their second album “Nevermind”.
The song’s about a 14-yearold girl who been kidnapped and tortured. Like many other of Nirvana’s songs you really have to listen and think to find out that it is a meaning with the lyric, and not just a bunch of words, happened to fit together. Polly is one of the first songs with Nirvana that I heard, and I felt in love with it at the first word.
Its pure Love!

Kurt Cobain was an American guitarist, singer and songwriter in the legendary band Nirvana.
At the year of 1994 he supposedly took his life, but nobody knows for sure.

Kurt was born February 20, 1967 in Grays Harbor Community Hospital in Aberdeen, Washington Gray’s Harbor Community Hospital in Aberdeen, Washington. His parents were Donald and Wendy Cobain. When Kurt was 7 years old his parents divorced. That made a change in his life, and he became much more withdrawn, which his mother’ confirmed.
The first year after his parent’s divorce Kurt lived with his mother he moved to Montesano, Washington, to live with his father instead. In school he didn’t care much about sports, but since his father insisted, he joined the junior wrestling team. he got better, but he never stopped despise it. Some time later his father put him up to a baseball-team, but he strikes himself out intentionally to avoid having to play. Instead of sports, Kurt focused on his art courses. He often drew during classes, including objects associated with fetuses and the human anatomy.

When Kurt was 14 years old an uncle gave him his first guitar. He started learning some covers, and soon he was working on his own songs. When he was in high school he met Krist Novoselic, who after months of asking agreed to start a band. (The beginning of Nirvana)
After a few years playing together, Kurt and Krist find themselves host to a rotating list of drummers. Eventually, the band settled on Chad Channing, and with him they published the album “bleach”, which was released on sub pop records in 1989. But Kurt was not satisfied with Channing’s style, so the band “fired” him, and searched for a new drummer. Soon they settled on David Grohl. With him at drums they released their greatest success via their major-label debut, “Nevermind”.

On Monday, February, 24, 1992 Kurt Cobain married Courtney Love on Waikiki Beach, Hawaii, after almost a year’s relationship. At this point, Love was carrying his baby.
On August 18, the couple''''s daughter, Frances Bean Cobain, was born. The unusual middle name was given to her because Kurt thought she looked like a kidney-bean on the first sonogram he saw of her.

During almost all his life, Cobain suffered Depression, chronic bronchitis, and intense physical pain due to an undiagnosed chronic stomach condition. The last mentioned condition was debilitating to his emotional welfare, and he spent many years trying to figure out what it was, but no one ever found out what it was.

He started taking drugs already in the early years; his first drug was marijuana, as he smoked the first time at age of 11 years. 1986, Kurt had his first experience with heroin. At the year of 1990, he had developed a full-fledged addiction. Cobain declared that he was “determined to get a habit” as a way to self-medicate his

stomach condition. "It started with three days in a row of doing heroin and I don''''t have a stomach pain that was such a relief.”
Kurt’s addiction of heroin started to affect the band’s support of “nevermind”, with Cobain passing out during the photo shoots.

On April 8, 1994, Cobain was discovered in the spare room above the garage (referred to as "the greenhouse") at his Lake Washington home by Veca Electric employee Gary Smith. Smith arrived at the house that morning to install security lighting and saw him lying inside.

Apart from a minor amount of blood coming out of Cobain''''s ear, Smith reported seeing no visible signs of trauma, and initially believed that Cobain was asleep. Smith found what he thought might be a suicide note with a pen stuck through it beneath an overturned flowerpot. A shotgun, purchased for Cobain by Dylan Carlson, was found at Cobain''''s side. An autopsy...

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Inactive member [2007-11-13]   Kurt Cobain.
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=8788 [2024-07-27]

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