
4036 visningar
uppladdat: 2008-04-05
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The Detroit based hip hop group D12, was started in the year 1990 by the underground rapper Proof and 5 other underground rappers from Detroit. D12 has many alternative names,for example, The Dirty Dozen, D-Twizzy and Detroit-Twelve. The group has released two albums, Devil’s Night from 2001 and D12 world from 2004 which both reached the top of the American, British and Australian album charts. The group didn’t get successful until their lead singer Eminem reached international fame in the late 1990’s. Previously the group was famous for their underground rapping. Eminem and Proof was said to be the best freestyle rappers in the world.

From the beginning the band contained the 6 rappers Eminen, Proof, Bizarre, Fuzz Scoota, Eye-Kyu and Killa Hawk. Fuzz Scoota left after getting in a fight with Bizarre and later made a song called F.U.Z.Z., which was a diss against D12. Killa Hawk left the band due to various reasons. In the middle of the 1990’s the group was split up since Eminem got signed to Dr Dre’s record company Aftermatch Entertainment. Shortly after Eminem got his deal Proof decided to restart the band by inviting the Detroit hip hop duo Da Brigade. Da Brigade contained Eminem and Proof’s longtime friend Kon Artis and Kuniva. Kuniva later introduced Bugz to Proof and he was recruited. Bizarre later rejoined the band. Eye-Kyu never rejoined. Bugz later asked his friend Swifty McVay to join the band, which he did.

On May 21st 1999 Bugz spent an afternoon in the Bell Isle Park with his friend and his friends cousin. His friends cousin got shot by a random person with a high-powered water gun, and she took offence. There was a big argument about it that developed into a fist fight. Bugz fought on his friends side. When Bugz attacked, a friend of the man with a water gun went to their car, and drew a rifle. He shot Bugz three times at close range in the neck and chest. The men then ran over Bugz with their car. An ambulance was called but due to the heavy traffic on the bridge to Bell Isle it took them half an hour to get there. Bugz was rushed to the nearest hospital but couldn’t get rescued. He died 21 years old. After his death D12 recorded the song ‘Good Die Young’ in his memory. In addition every member of D12 at the time got Bugz name tattooed somewhere on their bodies.

Early in the morning, on April 11th 2006, Proof got in an argument after a game of pool in the CCC nightclub on 8 Mile Road in Detroit. The police says that Proof, took his gun, and shot a man named Keith Bender several times in the face. The bouncer in the nightclub, Mario Etheridge, was Keith Benders cousin, and he saw everything happen. Seeing his own cousin getting murdered, Etheridge took his own gun and shot Proof in the head. He was taken by a private vehicle to St. John Health’s Conner Creek Campus, and pronounced dead on arrival.
Proofs funeral was held on April 19th at the Woodlawn Cemetery in Detroit, to a full house of 2000 people. Both Eminem and Obie Trice read speeches at the funeral. Eminem said:

“I''''m sure everybody who has ever met him, even just once, can testify to the fact that he illuminated a room when he walked in it. I believe that Proof loved people and people loved him. He was a magnet. He lured you in. You wanted to learn about him, follow his swagger. Without Proof, there would be no Eminem, no Slim Shady, and no D12.”.

Proof rapped with many big famous rappers including Eminem, 50 Cent, Method Man, Nate Dogg, B-Real, Obie Tr...

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Inactive member [2008-04-05]   D12
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=9553 [2024-12-01]

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