
8966 visningar
uppladdat: 2003-09-18
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Eminem was born the 17th of October 1972 in Kansas City as Marshall Bruce Mathers ¢ó.
The same year they moved to North Dakota. Marshall grew up with his mother Debbie Mathers-Briggs. He never met his father. When he was twelve he moved with is mother to Detroit but they moved there and back because his mother couldn¡¯t keep her job and she used drugs.

Hip-hop became important early for Eminem. When he was nine he started to rap and the source of inspiration came from Ice-T. He needed the music as a comfort because his school time wasn¡¯t easy.
The first rap songs Eminem wrote was when he was 14 years old.

He started to work on a grill bar when he was 15, the owner specially remembered that Eminem used to rap out the customers orders. But first when he was 17 ¨C18 years old the music became serious. Some bands that Eminem took part with was Basement productions, New Jacks and D12.

Eminem is together with Kim and they have a daughter together called Hailie.

In 1995 to 1998 he worked again at Gilbert¡¯s lodge because he couldn¡¯t support himself on the music yet.

Eminem released his first album ¡±Infinite¡± 1996 through FBT. Christmas 1996 he tried to commit suicide. He took an overdose Tynenol. The reason was that he lost his job and he could nearly support Hailie, besides the cd ¡°Infinite¡± flopped.
He was accusing to imitate Nas and AZ. After he had taken part in a radio program he became more noted from the public. At this time he started to work with other rappers. He was a guest rapper on MC Shabaam Sahdeeqs. The rap legend Dr Dre liked what he heard and wrote a contract with him.

Eminem¡¯s breakthrough was the album ¡°The Real Slim Shady¡±. As usually lots of people became irritated on his violent texts. In 1997 he did his first tour.

In July 2000 Eminem¡¯s wife Kim tried to commit suicide. Year 2001 he became arrested for illegal possession of a weapon and he separated from his wife.

Eminem was offered a movie cast that was in big place¡¯s build on him. He took part in the movie ¡°8 Mile¡±. It¡¯s about the rapper Jimmy that competes in a rap competition and he finally winning the game.
Then the guy that usually wins got angry on Jimmy and they started to fight etc. His opponent was Kim Basinger. Eminem have made 3 songs on the movie.

Last year he released his new album ¡°The Eminem Show¡±. The first single was ¡°Without Me¡±. In the video Eminem is dressed up t...

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Inactive member [2003-09-18]   Eminem
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=2301 [2024-07-27]

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