Tom Sawyer

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uppladdat: 2004-01-24
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The book I´ve been reading during these last weeks is Tom Sawyer. It´s written by Mark Twain
Mark Twain was born 1835 and have been the creator of many famous books in time.

Tom Sawyer is one part of Mark Twin´s books ´"the adventures of Tom Sawyer".
The book take place in USA about 1850 and is about as you might have guess, Tom Sawyer
or Thomas that his real name is.
And his fight to get an innocent prison realised from jail.

It all started when Thomas and his "free" friend Huckleberry Finn went to the graveyard one night at twelve o´clock to cure warts with help of a dead cat. But they weren´t alone there, an undertaker with name Doc and a drunk called Muff Potter and a feared injun, called injun Joe were there, digging up an old tomb. Inside the coffin, they found besides a dead body a chest with a treasure map inside it. Injun Joe and Muff were only there to dig for the undertaker Doc for a little ransom that they should get, but when Joe finds out that it was a map inside the chest, he seize Doc and stab him down with Muff s knife that he took from him earlier and he steals the map.
Tom and Huckleberry become witnesses for this horrible act and they were unfortunately
seen by lnjun Joe when they screamed when he used his knife.
First they insisted to go to the sheriff and tell about the murder at the graveyard but they changed their minds when they realized that they wou1d be dead within´ a few hours if they did that.
So they swore an oath with there names written in there own blood, that they would drop dead
and rotten if any of this that they seen got out. . .
But things get much more complicated when suddenly the innocent Muff got accused for the
murder that he didn´t do. It’s now hard for Tom, Muff was one of his best friends by the older ones in the town and now he was going to die, after the sentence: death, by hanging.

To stop this, Tom and his friend Finn leaves for a big adventure out in the forest looking for evidence that maybe could stop the execution, and condemn the real murderer, injun Joe...

This book has everything that a book needs to be "readable".
Sometimes it´ s so exiting that you can´t leave the book one second before you wish it back.
Other times if s so slow that you have to read every page several times just to understand it,

not that I didn´t understand the words but it was just so boring.
Mark Twain is an excellent writer and I don´t understand how he could make this book so great. I usually don´t use to like books that are ad bridged from the original but this ...

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Inactive member [2004-01-24]   Tom Sawyer
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