Don´t open your eyes

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uppladdat: 2005-02-02
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This book is written by an author named Ann Halam. It´s a horrible story. Whatever you do don´t open your eyes...

Diesels mom always braged about moving to a bigger house with a nice back yard. It was her biggest dream. One day her dream finally came true. They moved to a house with a bigger garden just like Diesels mom wanted. Diesels dad hired some removal men to help them with all their furniture. When they got there Diesel went to look around and see who their neighbours were. Suddenly she stopped. Right infront of her stood an empty house. It was house 55. One of the removal men said that it looks empty, but it´s not. The Knight boys live there he continued, they are troubble makers. They steal cars and stuff like that you know. They live there all by themsleves because their mom doesn´t care about them, she´s always out and never comes home and their dad left them a along time ago.

How ever the days went by and Diesel got to know one of the Knight boys, Martin. The became very good firends and later they fell inlove. One day Martin decided to show Diesel his secret place where he goes to when he wants to be alone. He never told anyone else but her. It was an old church. The church was haunted, according to him. That very same evening something awful happens to Martin. Some police men comes to Diesels house and tells her that Martin had a car accident. Diesel got very chocked and started to cry. She cried so much that night that she couldn´t sleep. Her thoughts were only about Martin.

After a coupple of days the grown ups decided to bury Martin at the semitary. His older brother Jason didn´t want his brother to be buried at a semitary. He´s not safe there said Jason to Diesel. Then later on Jason gets an idea. He talked to Diesel about it and Diesel didn´t want to do it. They were going to move Martins body from the semitary to his old secret place, where he could be safe. At last Jason convinced her into doing it. And so they did, Diesel, Jason and the Knight boys other brother, John.
It wasn´t easy of course. At midnight they all went to the semitary for their big plan. Noone else was there. They buried him up and took him to the church, where he was going to rest in peace. That´s what they all thought.
Sometimes Diesel could hear Martin talk to her through her dreams. Everytime he visited her dreams he told her not to open her eyes, because if she does, he would desipire and she wont be able to hear him anymore. Diesel knew that he came to her for a reason, but she couldn´t figure it out. Once when he came to her in her dreams he told her that there is a monster or a ghost in the church and that it wont leave his body alone. Diesel told Jason and he said that they had to do something. The only way was if they could destroy that ”thing” so that it would leave Martin alone. Some how they succeded and now Martin could rest in peace.

My own thoughts
This is probably one of the best books i´ve ever read. It´s a very interesting, exciting, and sad book. This book is a h...

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  • Inactive member 2006-01-30

    kommentera gärna;)

  • Inactive member 2007-05-24

    Lite stavfel bara men annars v


Inactive member [2005-02-02]   Don´t open your eyes
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-04-30]

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