The pelican brief

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4738 visningar
uppladdat: 2005-06-07
Inactive member

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Darby Shaw is a student who lives a happy life in New Orleans. She’s having a wonderful love affair with her con law teacher, Thomas Callahan. She’s beautiful and ambitious and life just seems great for her. Then two Supreme Court justices are killed and she takes a few days off to write a brief about the matter. Callahan, who she barely spoke to during the time she wrote the brief, finds her speculative ideas very interesting. During a dinner he mentions the brief to one of his friends, a man named Veerhek and he pursues him to read the brief. Veerhek is a lawyer for the FBI, who’s for the time being works like crazy to find the assassin of the two Supreme justices. He thinks that the brief might be helpful for the investigation and that it might lead to other suspects, or to one positive suspect, since they have absolutely none. Then he takes the brief to the leader of the investigation who decides to put a team of agents on the case. Shaw’s brief contains a lot ideas and fierce accusations involving the president and a lot of very rich and powerful men. After some time it is spread with the upper layer of the FBI, CIA and the White House and soon the shockwaves of it comes. She could never imagine that it would be the cause for Thomas being blow into a million pieces by a car bomb which actually was meant for her, that she would have to flee for her life as paid killers are following hard on her heels.There is one man who knows about the brief and that is reporter Gray Grantham with the Washington Post. In the beginning we follow their separate lives but they are eventually drawn together by the brief and they embark on a journey fraught with danger to reveal the truth behind the assassinations. Anyway In the end, Darby moves to a tropical island. Gray, who had a crush on her, finally finds her and he’s warmly welcomed and, of course, they live happily ever after. The bad guys get it and the lovers live happily forever.

Darby is a person who analyses things a lot and she reconsiders every move she makes. This is something that becomes obvious when she’s being hunted down and knows about it. She moves around a lot, she never sleeps in the same place twice, she changes her hair colour three times a week and she never pays in cash. She’s using almost none of the things that the hunters are using to track her down. There are of course other personalities in this book as it is a rather complicated story with different groups of people, all fighting for their on benefit.

It is a book filled with action, but not in the whole book. It is really interesting in the beginning. There are a lot more people ...

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Inactive member [2005-06-07]   The pelican brief
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