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uppladdat: 2009-04-14
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Vermont is a state in the north-east of America and belongs to the district New England.

Vermont borders to Canada, Massachusetts, New York and New Hampshire.

It extends over parts of the north Green Mountains. Vermont became an American province in 1791st century. The capital of Vermont is Montpelier but the biggest city is Burlington.

Vermont is a republic. The five biggest cities in Vermont are Burlington, Rutland, South Burlington, Barre and Essex Junction.


Burlington is the biggest city in Vermont.

It has got about 38,889 inhabitants. I think it's pretty small to be the biggest city of a province.

The city was established in 1763. The University of Vermont is in Burlington.

Burlington was qualified as one of the leading harbours in America.

Vermont is a small province and the land area is about 23,958 square kilometres. If you for example compare Vermont with Texas, which is the second largest province in America, you can see that Vermont is very small. It's ranked as the 45th state by area in America.

3,8 % of the area is water and the rest is mountains and other sorts of landscape.

Vermont is called "the green mountains state", probably because it has got a very beautiful nature and many trees. Vermont comes from the French "Vert Mont" which means the green mountains.

The climate in Vermont is different from season to season.

In the winter it's cold and the median temperature is ten to five degrees below zero.

In the summer it's about 20 degrees over zero, pretty warm. It's a mild climate, almost like we have here in Sweden. The precipitation of rainfall for a year is about 1000 millimetres.

The terrain is rugged and rocky. There are lots of mountains and a big lake is Lake Champlain which also is a big destination for tourists. The population of Vermont is ranked as the 49th of Americas 50 states. There are about 624 000 inhabitants in Vermont.

People in Vermont earn most of their money in tourism and it's also a big producer of monument granite, marble and maple syrup. The tourist comes to Vermont to for example camping, fishing and hiking. They make a lot of money in the winter when people go skiing. It's a good state to go skiing in because of their high mountains and the mountains districts.

They also make money on fruit trees and Vermont is a leading producer of talc.

The state symbols of Vermont are:

The red clover (flower)

Hermit thrush (bird)

Sugar Maple (tree)

Morgan Horse (animal)

Honeybee (insects)

These green mountains (song)

The state tree is probably the sugar maple because Vermont is very famous about it.

The state song is called "These green mountains" and it's probably about the nature in Vermont, which is very green and rocky.

Vermont's flag represents the province's weapon. The flag was adopted in 1923.

It's a cow in it and a big tree, maybe a sugar maple tree. There's also a quotation which says "Vermont, freedom and unity" which is Vermont's motto.

Something special about Vermont is that it's legal to wear hidden weapons. In the USA it's only legal in Alaska and Vermont.

Famous people who came from Vermont is for example Chester A. Arthur who was the 21st president in the USA. He was entered in 1881 after the murder of James Garfield.

In Vermont there are more women than men. I think that's interesting because it's a bit unusual.

Vermont has got 300 000 state forests and 52 state parks.


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Inactive member [2009-04-14]   Vermont
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