Great Barrier Reef

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uppladdat: 2001-05-18
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The Great Barrier Reef


I have chosen to write about the Great Barrier Reef because I find coral reefs fascinating and very beautiful. I wanted to learn more about them and also about the dangers that threatens them.

In this paper I am going to tell you about the Great Barrier Reef. How is the life of a severe ecosystem as this one? What damages do we make to the reef? What can we do to prevent them?

I have found material about The Great Barrier Reef mostly from sites at the Internet but also from different books in the library.

About the Great Barrier Reef (1*)

The Great Barrier Reef is a diverse and delicate ecosystem situated along the coast of Queensland in Australia. The reef is over 2000 kilometers long and is considered to be the largest living structure on the earth. The Great Barrier Reef is even clearly visible from the moon. Above some of the reefs there are islands in different sizes for example “Whitsunday”. 400 different types of corals, fish and other species like sea snakes, sea turtles, populate the reef and even whales come to visit during the winter.

A coral is a tiny marine polyp, and there are many different kinds of corals.
A coral reef is a natural barrier made of the bodies of living and dead coral. It is the corals who give the reef its colorful appearance. Coral grows in warm climates where there is salt water and sunlight, and they do not like pollution. The coral reef is made of two parts. The white part is made from the bodies of many polyps that have died long ago. The colorful part is the living part of the reef. It is made up of living polyps.

Threats to the reef (2*)

Human beings are often a threat to the coral reef. The rivers of Australia end by the coast where the coral reef is situated. From the rivers lots of sediments and pollution is pulled out into the ocean and this affects the reef. To grow, the corals need much sunlight, and when sediments and more fill the ocean, the water is not as clear as it usually is and the corals can not grow as much as they should.

We humans also destroy the reef mostly by the millions of tourists who visit the reef. Snorkellers, divers and reef walkers often break or abrade corals through contact, some people even take corals with them even though it is not aloud. Oil drilling and searching for minerals in the ocean is also dangers that destroy the corals. In 1975 there was a big demonstration against this and it lead to the founding of an organization called “ The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority ” they now have in Australia. They will ensure that the Reef remains in a healthy state and can be enjoyed by future generations. They have divided the reef into 7 zones, with different rules. Some zones anyone can visit where most activities are aloud and some zones only scientists can visit.

But it is a tough job. One of all the dangers the reef is opposed to is the simple and age old act of throwing out the anchor. In heavily used areas this is a cause of major coral damage. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority has investigated methods to solve the problem including the installation of moorings at heavily used anchoring areas. You can now face prosecution and fines if you damage the corals by anchoring in the Cairns and Whitsunday’s areas. But of course it is hard to control.
Shipping can also affect and destroy corals. Sometimes through direct grounding but also through the loss of toxic cargo and fuel.
Lately another threat has come up, and actually humans have not cause this, even though it is possible it is due to some human influence. It is a starfish called Crown-of-thorn starfish that has increased in number at a very fast speed in the coral reef. This particular starfish eats corals and now that the number of these starfishes has increased, the starfishes have caused significant and extensive mortality of corals.

How do people damage the reef? (3*)

 By walking on them.
 By dropping anchors them.
 By diving near over them.
 By breaking them and taking them home as souvenirs.
 By knocking and grounding boats on them.

 Oil spills
 Sewerage
 Pesticides
 Fertilizers

 Over fishing
 Poison
 Drag nets
 Explosives


The Great Barrier Reef has a lot to fear. There are many threats to this delicate ecosystem. It is a very rare and diverse system and it has to be protected. But I believe the reef has a lot to thank “The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority” for. They have done a lot for the reef and if you feel you want to do something to make sure the reef remains, you should give your support to them. At least I think that would be the easiest way for us Europeans to help.

But if we want to keep our Great Barrier Reef we humans have to start paying more respect to the nature, and that goes for all nature, not just reefs. When I read about the Great Barrier Reef it reminds me of how cruel we humans are to our surroundings ...

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Inactive member [2001-05-18]   Great Barrier Reef
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