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uppladdat: 2006-01-06
uppladdat: 2006-01-06
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Pompeii was a paradise for rich Romans, who travelled a long way just to amuse themselves with culture, food and wine, amazing landscapes, brothels and of course, Roman baths.
The inhabitants of Pompeii were very hard-working, but they knew exactly how to enjoy life.
But one thing they never knew (until the 24:th of August 79) was that the beautiful green and blossom mounting in the north were to become the cause of 2000 peoples death, and bury the whole city under a six metres layer of ashes and solid lava. Luckily, there had been an earthquake just a couple of weeks before; so many inhabitants had already left the city.
It was after dinner when the ground started to shake heavily. The villagers thought it was another earthquake again, so they began to pack all their belongings and leave the city. But the traffic was stuck.
Suddenly, the top of the mountain was blown off by an explosion and a rain of ashes and mud rained down on the people. Still there were many people alive. Bet then hot lava began to flow slowly down the mounting. Usually, the crater (opening) of the volcano is small (compared to the rest of the volcano) and the lava emit straight up in the air whit a great power, but Vesuvius crater was large, and that’s the reason the lava flow slowly.
After a couple of hours the city was destroyed.
The Roman emperor Titus realised that Pompeii was beyond rescuing, and decided to let the buried city remain untouched. The city became forgotten.
The height of Vesuvius is 1,277 m (4,190 ft), while that of Monte Somma, the lesser summit, is 1,132 m (3,714 ft). The volcano´s slopes are covered with vineyards and orchards. Higher up, oak and chestnut grow.
A funicular railway has been constructed from the base of the cinder cone to the summit close to the edge of the crater, and an observatory is maintained near the crater.
Scientists fear a new eruption in a few years. The government are now trying to move the 600 000 people who’s threaten by the volcano, according to Aftonbladet.
The last eruption was in 1944. That time the volcano destroyed wine yards and homes, and 26 people were killed.
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Inactive member [2006-01-06] PompejiMimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=5542 [2025-01-24]
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