How To Save The World

3 röster
859 visningar
uppladdat: 2018-04-19
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How to save the World

Hello, today I will be talking about to save the world.
First of all you might need to know the problem before solving them. Our main problem as humans
is greed. we insist on using the cheapest energy sources polluting our planet and contributing to
global warming. We say we own stuff when the earth is like a needle in a hays stack compared to
the universe. Actually our earth is smaller than that we are more like a tiny bit of black hair on a
black big carpet.

Instead of coming together and all helping each other exploring and building a imperium of every
country. Instead of uniting the human race. we choose to have closed boarders acting like they live
on a different planet that other countries don't affect them but let me tell you we all affect each
other every country is dependent of some other country.
The greed makes us think that money is more important than keeping the environment safe and
sound for us and for other spices. We are destroying rain forests making paper and wood materials.
replacing the forests with factory's and farms where our food gets genetically modified to look
better and where the biggest part of our pollution comes from. We are not only polluting the air but
we are killing innocent animals making them endangered then the next day extinct.
I'm not standing here today to mention every flaw in us humans but here to tell you can save our
world. how much of a difference you can make by doing a little thing as turning of the lights of when
your not in the room. By stopping the water flow in the shower when you are putting shampoo and
body wash on. How much of a difference you make by simply taking the train instead of a car taking
a buss or even doing nature such a huge favor by taking your bicycle or walking. But Kristian is that
all I can do? 

I'm glad you asked if you wanna do more you could look for different tags on food products that
indicates that the food are environment friendly.
Did you know that the rainforest is home to more than half of the Worlds animals? And did you
know that at least 10,000 Spices of plants, animals and different insects go extinct every year due to
global warming and deforestation. To prevent deforestation you can avoid certain Tree types. You
can advocate environment friendly paper and other wood products to friends and family. Another
way to help protect mother nature is to join organizations that work against these kinds of horrible
things such as Greenpea...

...läs fortsättningen genom att logga in dig.

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Kristian Rz [2018-04-19]   How To Save The World
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