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uppladdat: 2007-12-12
uppladdat: 2007-12-12
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2.Purpose and method
I´m going to write about the famous thrash heavy metal band Metallica because I think they are really good. Even if I know quite much about the band, I want to find out if there is something I dont know about the band.
2.Purpose and Method
I have chosen this topic because I like the band Metallica. I´m doing this report because I want to learn more about the band and the members of Metallica.
To find the information for my work I will search on the web and maybe look in some books.
The questions that I will try to answer in this research are.
How the band was formed?.
How the band members lives have been?.
4.1 Analysis
I´m going to write about the famous thrash metal band metallica, and I will start with a little bit of the band´s history. Metallica was formed on October 1981 in Los Angeles,like a garageband. The band was then consisting of Lars Ulrich on drumms and James Hetfield on guitar and vocalist. Ron Mcgoveny was also with them as the bassist.They played their first demo ”No life til´ Leather” in 1982. The band needed one more guitarist so Lars placed out an advertisment in a Local newspaper, a man called Dave Mustain answered on the advertisment and he was so good that he became a member of Metallica. Later Ron Mcgoveny Left the band because he didn´t have the energy to live the hard life as an artist. He was replaced By Cliff Burton. Dave Mustain didn´t play in the band for a long time until he got fired because of his abuse of alcohol.Within short time a new guitarist called Kirk Hammert became a member of metallica.
1986 was a tragic year for metallica. The basist player Cliff burton died in a buss crash close to Ljungby in Sweden. Then after Cliff died the new bassist Jason Newsted took over. He played for quite a long time in the band, but in 2001 Jason left the band.He left because he wanted to spend all of his time on the music while the others started to spend more time with their family. Metallica was missing a bassist for nearly two years until Robert Trujillo became the new bassist player in metallica, he playes even today.
Metallica has sold over 90 millions of their albums over the world and of them are whole 57 million albums sold in the USA. Metallica is said to be the creators of the music style thrash metal together with the bands Slayer, Anthrax and Megadeath.
That was a little bit of the band´s history now I am going to write about the band members of Metallica today.
The band members of Metallica today are James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, Kirk Hammet and Robert Trujillo. I will start to write about James Hetfield.
4.2 James Hetfield
James Alan Hetfield as his real name is, was born August 3,1963 in Downey, California.He is the songwriter, guitarist and vocalist in the band Metallica. James fathers name was Virgil Hetfield who was a truckdriver.He grown up in nebraska and his mother Cynthia was an opera singer. James parents belived in Christian science, and because of that his parents strongly dissalow of medicine and help of hospital and medical help. Althought James mother suffered of cancer they refused medical help, so James mother died in cancer. James father also died in cancer later. Because of Cynthias death and James relationship to the Christian science, has James wrote several songs who is about his father and mothers death, like ”Mama Said” and ”The God That Failed”. James has also wrote a song called ” Until It Sleeps” it´s about cancer.
When Metallica was recording their latest album James went into rehab for his alcoholic problems and his depression. James has had big problems with the alcohol for a long time. James is an alcoholist, but now a sober one. He does not drink anymore. James has written a song to express his feelings and how it feels to be controled off the alcohol and it is called ”The House That Jack Built”. The song is from Metallica´s album Load from 1996. The problems with the alcohol have made a big mess for James and he has had alot of family problems. After his rehab he tries to spend alot more time with his family.
James likes to be out in the nature and hunting or go snowboarding. He also likes to work in his garage and fix on his cars and motorbikes. James also collects things, he collects guitars from the year when he was born. The guitars James play on is called ”ESP” ,but he has played on many different models of guitars. In the beginnig of his carrier he played on ”Gibson flying V” guitars. Since 1991 James play on specialmade guitars from ”ESP”. Today he play on a guitar called ”ESP Truckster” which is based on a Gibson Les Paul guitar. James Hetfield is very famous to be able to play very fast with so called downstrokes. Which means he only leads his spectrum down, not down and then upp, only down.
4.3 Lars Ulrich
Lars Ulrich was born on December 26th , 1963 in Gentofte in Denmark. Lars is the drummer in Metallica. When Lars was young he was a tennis player and he moved up to Los Angeles to play there, due to better conditions. Lars Ulrich is the son to the great tennis player Torben Ulrich. From late 1940 into 1980, was Lars Father Torben a tennis player on high level. Torben was also interested in music. Torben had a jazz club and Lars spent a lot of his time there when he was a little child. In 1973, Lars and his father went to a consert with Deep Purple. Lars got so fascinated by the band and by the performance,that he started to like music very much. that consert inspired Lars and pulled him into the rock and roll world. Later with his age fourteen he got his first drum kit. Lars Ulrich met James Hetfield in Downey, California in 1981 and they formed the band Metallica. Lars swiftness as a drummer you can here in the songs Battery,One and St. Anger.
In the beginning Lars was also going to be a professional tennis player like his father but he became the drummer in Metallica.
4.5 Kirk Hammet
Kirk Lee Hammet as his real name is was born in November 18th ,1962 in El Sobrante, San Francisco. When Kirk was 15 years old he started to play guitar. As guitar teacher Kirk had the great guitar player Joe Satriani. Later Kirks musicinterest drew him into the music style thrash metal genre. Kirk formed his own band in 1982 called Exodus. The vocalist was Paul Baloff,Guitarist was Gary Holt, Bassist was Geoff Andrews and Tom Hunting was playing the drumms. Kirk didn´t play in that band for so long time before he was invited to join Metallica, after Dave Mustaine was kicked from Metallica. Kirk has written many riffs to Metallica´s songs, but one of the most popular riff is the riff in the song named ”Enter Sandman”. It was written 3:00am in a hotel room.
Kirk is now married with his wife Lani, they got married 1998. In 2006 Kirk and Lani got a baby, he got the name Ange Ray Keala Hammet and was born on september 29th.
Kirk was voted to eleventh place in Roling Stones Magazine´s 100 greatest guitarist of all time.The guitars that Kirk uses is for the most ESP,Gibson,Jackson and Fender guitars. The guitar that Kirk is touring with is an ESP ”KH-2 Vintage”. Today Kirk counts as one of the best guitar players in the world.
4.5 Robert Trujillo
Robert Agustin Miguel Santiago Samuel Trujillo Veracruz as his real name is was born in Oktober 23th ,1964 in California. Robert has played in many different bands like Black Labe Society, Ozzy Osbourne, Suicidal Tendencies,Infectious Groove and Cyco Miko,before he became a member in Metallica in 2003. Robert grew up in Venice in California. He played in several bands before he joined Suicidal Tendencies in 1989. His work with them was extraordinary. Later he started the band Infectious Groove with a friend from Suicidal Tendencies. The band worked well but he quit and became a member of Ozzy Osbourne´s band. Robert was a member for several years in Ozzy´s band, he started in the late 90s. In February 24th , 2003 Robert became a member in the band Metallica. Metallica offered Robert 1 million to show how much he would earn if he joined the band.
5. Discussion
My issues in this work was to find out how the band was formed and the life of the band members. I have found alot of information to use for my work so there was no problem to write my...
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