In the name of the father

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uppladdat: 2001-05-17
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Let me tell you the true story about two innocent people who sat a lifetime in prison just because the goverment needed someone to blaim. One of those persons is me, Gerry Conlon, and the other one was my father.
He spent the last 10-15 years of his life in a prison, praying that the goverment should forgive him for something he hadn´t done.

I was sent to England by my father after getting in trouble with the IRA and my best friend, Paul Hill, followed me there. We lived with some people we met there and after a short time I went back home to meet my family again. That night, the police came knocking at our door and said that they was looking for me. I was accused for a terrorist bombing in England, and so were my best friend.

Innocent, but forced to confess, I was sentenced to lifetimes prison as one of the "Guildford Four."

”The Guildford Four” was an invention by the English goverment, consisting of me, my father, my aunt and my best friend.
We were all somehow conected to some bombings in England.

After some years in prison, my father got in touch with a female lawyer.
She gave my father hope by telling him that this case should be taken in court again. And she worked hard to find proof that could prove our innocent. But it was very hard and my father died in prison before the case even was taken in court again.

Before I got in prison I had no respect and felt no real love for my father. Whole my life he had been complaining at all the things I had done. I remember when I once won a big medalion. Not even then he said something nice, he always found something that was wrong. And that was the only thing he told me about.

But after spending all these years in prison with my father, our reletionship changed. I could love him the same way as other boys love their fathers. He was a father, full of wisdom and kindness, and I realised that he loved much more than I had ever thought. And the day I got the message that he had died at the hospital, I just sat down and couldn´t do anything. I couldn´t even cry. But when the chock decreased, I realised that he relly was dead, and I finally started crying. I got so angry at the people that had let him die in prison. How could they do that to a person like him?
I raged and threw things around me. I broked chairs and tables. I got so extremly furious.

My fathers dead is the worst that ever happened to me.

The same day as the the case was beeing set in court again she found something very interesting when she looked through some files about me. She found a paper with the words: ” Not to be shown to...

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Inactive member [2001-05-17]   In the name of the father
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