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uppladdat: 2000-10-01
uppladdat: 2000-10-01
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The way of express the term "future" can in English be formed in several ways. There are some more usual than others and those are:
will/shall + infinitive
Explains just the future, the pure future. Shall is only used in first person, I and we. Will can be used by all persons, also the first.
I shall marry Tom.
He will marry me.
be going to + infinitive
Describes the future especially when someone/something is aiming to do so or when something is near to happen.
I am going to marry Tom.
be about to + infinitive
States the immediate future.
I am just about to say yes to Tom.
be to + infinitive
Something that already been set. It has been arranged ahead.
I am to be married with Tom later this week.
progressive form (be + -ing form)
States an engagement that goes to a close future.
She is marrying Tom later today.
will be + -ing form
Explains something that is obviously going to happen.
I shall be marrying Tom at three o'clock as previously arranged.
Present tense in conditional clauses (begun with if, unless...) + time subordinate clause
I will marry Tom, if I can get a divorce.
You can also see "future" from a point in the past. The ways you can do it is by these methods.
was/were going to
This form is used in many cluases.
She was going to get married to Tom when he got back from the army.
was/were to
States something that already have been set and decided before.
They were to meet at the church, but she did not turn up.
would + pure infinitive
Are used in direct language.
She told her best friend she would not marry Tom.
was/were about to
When someone/something are just about to happen.
The guests were just about to sit down in the church when the wicker told them the news.
Conditional I + II
would + infinitive
Are used in the main clause to a conditional clause. This is called conditional I.
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Inactive member [2000-10-01] futureMimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=244 [2024-12-01]
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