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uppladdat: 2001-05-12
uppladdat: 2001-05-12

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Kangaroos are shy, mainly nocturnal animals, but some species are active at dawn and dusk.Generally, they live for 20 years in captivity and approximately six years in the wild. The most common colours of Kangaroos are blue, grey and red, but they can also be black, yellow or brown. Occasionally there are albino or white kangaroos.Some of the species of
Kangaroos are:
Red Kangaroo which are also called Plains Kangaroo, Blue Doe and Blue Flyer. Eastern Grey Kangaroo which is also called Grey Kangaroo and Scrub Kangaroo. Black faced Kangaroo which is also called Western Grey Kangaroo, Mallee Kangaroo and Kangaroo Island Kangaroo. Kangaroos are only found in Australia, and eat nothing but grass and shrubs.
Red kangaroos can travel up to 40 miles per hour and leap up to 40 feet. Gray kangaroos can jump as far as 44 feet. Kangaroos live in groups called "mobs", and their young are called "joeys".
Adult male red kangaroos are called "boomers" and females are called "blue flyers". Kangaroos gestate for little more than a month.
When the baby is born, it is no bigger than a human thumb, but grows to self sustaining size within its mother´s pouch. Wallabies are the closest related spec...
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Inactive member [2001-05-12] KangaroosMimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=611 [2025-02-16]
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