Bokrecension: A child called
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uppladdat: 2007-02-26
uppladdat: 2007-02-26
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I have read a book called “A child called It”. It is written by David Pelzer and it is his autobiography from his childhood. For eight years he and his brothers lived with their mentally ill mum. In the book he tells the reader about the first years that he remember, when he had a normal family. A normal family with a mum and a dad and three sons that goes on holidays together and are just happy. But then, just like that, one day his mother changes. She beats him up for nothing, and suddenly everything changes in the little home. He becomes the “family slave” and soon he isn’t even allowed to eat with the rest of the family. He isn’t actually given any food at all. The Mother or the Bitch that he calls her enjoys the pleasure of coming up with new ways to torment him. The mental torture and physical abuse is just terrible. Just to mention some of the things she did to him was the time she made him eat from the dog’s bowl just to get any food at all, or when she made him lay down in a freezing cold bath for hours and then just to sit outside in the shadows and watch the sun go down. Or when she laid his arm on the gas range or the time when she stabbed him with a kitchen knife. The list of the terrible things she did goes on and on, and you start to wonder how this little boy could be alive. But he survived, and now he is a healthy man with family and a son of his own. He managed to get up on his feet and leave his horrible childhood behind. Now he is giving lectures all over the world about his life and how he managed to survive and become the man he is today.
I think that it is a terrible book. Understand me right, I like the book itself but the story is just awful. How can a mother do that to a child, and the top of that, to her own son? And why didn’t anyone see it? How can you miss a thing like that? How can you miss a child with burn marks on both arms that is so skinny that you can almost see thru him? I get really upset reading this book. I have read it in swedish, but now that I have read it in it’s original language I got even more upset. To read his own words, understanding how he felt at that moment. That is just terrible. But even though the book is ghastly, I like it. It shows me that there are people out there that has it much worse then me and that whatever happens to...
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Inactive member 2007-05-27
Bra recension! :) Och jag har
Inactive member 2007-09-06
bra skrivet :)
Inactive member 2008-05-23
Det där var en jättebra recens
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Inactive member [2007-02-26] Bokrecension: A child calledMimers Brunn [Online]. [2025-01-15]
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