Bokrecension: A child called It av Dave Pelzer
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uppladdat: 2008-05-15
uppladdat: 2008-05-15
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The book is an autobiography of the writer Dave Pelzer. He was starved and beaten by his mother, his mother Catherina was an alcoholic. His mother did many horrible things, for example: Dave was forced to eat out of a dog bowl, if he didn’t do it he did not get any food. Another example is when his mother made him lay in an ice cold bath for a few hours. I can’t understand how a mother can do things like that to her own son. After a while Dave became the family slave, he had to do all the hard work.
The author:
Dave Pelzer was born in California, USA in 1960. He is today an author and advocate for Children''''s rights movement. He has now written 6 books, and it’s not a secret that he will continue to write more books.
The main characters:
Dave is the main character in this book. He is a very brave boy. Dave never showed that he was scared and I think that was good. According to Dave what kept him alive was the thought of how his mother had been, when they were on holidays when he was a little boy. He always hoped fore the day when she says that everything would be like it was before. Dave was rescued in March 5, 1973.
Catherina is the mother in the family. She was an ordinary mother before she started to drink alcohol. Catherina blames Dave for everything, she even thinks that her biggest mistake was to have Dave.
Stephen was Dave’s father and he was a big role model for Dave. Stephen was a firefighter, so he was almost never at home. When Catherina started to abuse Dave, Stephen never dared to say anything. He stood and watched when she abused him, after a while he left the family and Dave.
My thoughts
I think that the book is very good. I feel great empathy for little Dave when he is abused by his mother. I was disappointed at the father when he just watches how Dave got beaten. You really get depressed and even more so when you know it’s a true story. I give the book 4 out of 5, because it’s very well written and it caught my attention from the beginning.
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Inactive member [2008-05-15] Bokrecension: A child called It av Dave PelzerMimers Brunn [Online]. [2025-01-15]
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