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uppladdat: 2003-05-20
uppladdat: 2003-05-20
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And Shakespeare was one of these creators of the dramaturgy, that’s why we’re still reading about him. If Shakespeare was born in our days, he probably just would be one of many and no one would read this much about him.
I don’t think he is so special. He wrote tragedies that the people liked then, but we have modern tragedies today also. In the movies it always comes up this love-stories.
Everyone that is first with something almost always get that big. Madonna was first with her sexy things, today we don’t even can count how many “Madonnas” we have. Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Destinys child is just some of them. But they all have Madonna as their “queen”.
My personal thoughts about Shakspeare isn’t that high. He isn’t my style and I don’t like his kind of way to tell stories. He has a hard language so I have to read the things he has written many times before I get it into my mind.
But anyway, ...
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