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uppladdat: 2007-11-06
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In 1770 the island, and also continent called Australia was discovered by an Englishman. His name was James Cook. It became a big sensation, but when they’d got there it already lived people all over the country, they would later bee called the aborigines. The aborigines became badly treated, they didn’t get enough food and it was like they’re kicked out of their own country.
But for the aborigines luck the government decided, many years later, to return big areas of the country to them. But the living conditions were still much worse than for the white Australians. Today the aborigines aren’t representing more than 2% of the whole Australia.
Most of the peoples in Australia live in the big cities in southeast, like Sidney, Melbourne and Brisbane. And many people think that Sidney is the capital of Australia, but it’s not true. Sydney is the largest city, but the capital is called Canberra. It lives 3,6 million people in Sydney, but only 300 000 in Canberra. And in the whole country there are around 19 million peoples. Of them 90% are white, and the most spoken language is English.
Australia is the 6th largest country, but the smallest continent. Its area is around 7.7 million square kilometers, and it contains six states, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia.
The things that makes Australia so special and popular is the warm climate, the beautiful nature and of course their undersea nature. It’s a thing called “The great barrier reef” that’s a very popular tourist attraction. It’s a huge reef, and it’s more than 2000 km of living undersea creatures.
If I would say Australia, what would you think? Would you think of the barrier reef that’s known from the movie “finding nemo”, or would you maybe think of the opera house in Sidney, which is the most well known thing in Australia. Maybe you would think that it’s all just a big desert. Or would you maybe think of a boomerang, you know that thing that comes bac...

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Inactive member [2007-11-06]   Australia
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