Go ask Alice

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uppladdat: 2005-04-12
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Go ask Alice is about a teenage girl who is a drug addict. She have a diary where she use to write about everything she does. She trust her diary more than everyone else. She used to write all her secrets and everything, because she had not somebody else to talk with. She could not talk with her parents about the drugs beacause she was afraid that they would be ashamed of her and they would not love her anymore and so on.
I think it is a usual problem among most of the kids to not talk with their parents when they do something wrong. They think that they can do it all right again just by themselves and for that reason they put a lot of pressure on themselves and that makes the kids feel more uncomfortable. They feel outside and thinks that everybody hates them (even their parents). The worst part is that they thinks that it is their own foult when it is not.
There is also many adults who do not listen to the kids when they wanna talk about their problems. They only interrupt the kids and starts to babble about what is right or wrong, wich they have heard a houndred times before. I can imagine me how awful they feel when they can not talk to someone about their problems or trust anyone exept themselves

Many of the kids starts with the drugs of many reasons. The most usual reason is when they have problem at home. Maybe their father or mother (or both of the parents) are alcoholics and beat them. They belive that drugs will help them to forget all their problems. Others starts with the drugs because of their so called “friends” ask them to try once, but the problem is that when you have try it just once then there is no turning back, you will become a drug addict. There are very few who starts with the drugs just for fun because they have not anything else to do.

I think it is very important to talk with your child about everything and let him also talk and listen to his opinion and discuss about what is right or wrong in a way that makes them feel that you care about them. If you just babble and ask them to shut up, then they will think that you do not trust them, and that can make them sad, because every child wants to have their parents trust.
I have quite a strict parents but I do not mean that I would not talk to them if something ba...

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  • Inactive member 2007-11-30

    D låter som du har erfarenhet.


Inactive member [2005-04-12]   Go ask Alice
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=3941 [2024-04-26]

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